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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Did those people die of politics? Trump never incited or organized the riot at the Capitol? Watch his poll ratings fall off a cliff now. Georgia is next. That will likely include racketeering charges.
  2. Another 4 counts. The Trump campaign called the charges “fake” and asked why it took two-and-a-half years to bring them. LOL. https://apnews.com/article/trump-indicted-jan-6-investigation-special-counsel-debb59bb7a4d9f93f7e2dace01feccdc
  3. I persist in the conviction that Trump doesn’t have a prayer of being elected president again. Democrats have drawn the same conclusion, based on a lot of sensible data — Trump’s past performances (i.e., his 46 percent high-water mark, even as an incumbent, before the stop-the-steal nonsense, the Capitol riot, and the string of indictments and civil complaints), the 2018 midterms, Trump’s costing Republicans control of the Senate in 2020, and the 2022 “red wave” that never happened thanks to Trump-supported candidates. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/trump-cant-win/
  4. All of his current stated policies, especially defeating Russia.
  5. Rep. Dan Goldman said there's no impediment to Comer releasing the transcript. They'd rather continue with the narrative. “And I would urge Chairman Comer, rather than to continue to send out misinformation about what transpired in the transcribed interview, to actually put out the transcript, which he can do as soon as he wants,” Goldman said. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4130162-house-democrat-calls-on-comer-to-release-transcript-of-devon-archer-testimony/
  6. The people who decide who becomes the candidates are voters, not some secret deep state cartel called "they".
  7. Ya'll should be hoping that Biden faces Trump. It would be Trump's best chance. Don't imagine that if Biden withdraws that his VP pick would get the nod either.
  8. Define "Chinese connection" in language that a court might understand.
  9. Southern, mostly red states, are going to suffer extreme heat, if not the greatest effects of climate change, first. That should be a wake up call to any climate change denying GOP politicians going forward. Ya'll gotta get elected you know.
  10. For it to stick, the conversation would have to be substantive. Not "How's business going, son? or Why are you headed off to Hong Kong?"
  11. Many EV car owners never go near a charging station. They charge from home or a regular parking facility, like work or shopping centers.
  12. She's a teenage climate activist with a disability. She has the same appeal as any musician / movie star / tv star / sports star / k-pop dancer. Get over it.
  13. Wake me up when gold gets down to $1930. And BTC at 28,000. It just dipped below 28,500 for a second touch so that might be it.
  14. There is actually a default stop loss of $50 applied by my online broker. I leave it on for shorts and take it off for longs.
  15. Just get a new fridge. I bitched to my landlord about the noise from my old fridge and he paid 10,000 baht for a new BEKO inverter fridge. Dead silent with adjustable temps in both compartments and LED temp meters on the front door. I don't remember what the warranty was but it seemed pretty decent.
  16. I thought it was legal fees. Oh, wait. His donors are paying them.
  17. The limit of my potential loss is $100. You are right though, I don't often short stocks and I didn't use leverage. At present I'm a bit under water but I'll just hold it until I'm in the black. I did have a short on PLTR but gave that up after losing $30 of a $100 bet. Not gonna relent on TSLA.
  18. I got carted off to sunday school every sunday morning by the salvation army press gangs that came and relieved parents of their kids for a few hours. In high school I got kicked out of religious instruction at 13 for asking the teacher which religion was real.
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