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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Maybe the Republicans will realize soon that Trump[ is not that good at politics. His single attraction to many is his racism. That isn't going to be enough to get him elected. It wasn't in 2020 and nuthing has changed that will improve his numbers in 2024, if he even gets the nomination. He isn't going to debate and that will kill his candidacy.
  2. Given how many people went to jail for Jan 6 and blamed Trump for sending them there I think it's a foregone conclusion.
  3. Monkeys reminds me of cages with bars. What else sits in cages with bars? Maybe ask a bunch of insurrectionists who mostly claim Trump told them to go. He promised it would be wild. Sure was.
  4. https://news.yahoo.com/can-trump-pardon-himself-if-he-wins-in-2024-202946662.html
  5. Jack Smith acknowledged Trump's right to claim that as much as he liked. That's not what he's being charged for.
  6. The one where Manafort was convicted and Giuliani went to London to speak with the wikileaks traitor?
  7. so, if he commits 100 crimes, he should only be charged for 2? That's the logic you're presenting here.
  8. What intelligent person supports a person with this many indictments of this nature? The same people who think Pizzagate was real I suppose.
  9. He does indeed get more support from his followers. They are already going to vote for him. He needs people who voted against him in 2020 to vote for him this time. Can you see that happening?
  10. Dallas attorney Sidney Powell appears to be one of six unnamed co-conspirators which the Justice Department accused Tuesday of playing key roles in former President Donald Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election. https://www.rawstory.com/sidney-powell-2662672954/
  11. Because my opinion doesn't matter. You are accusing Biden of committing crimes and yet claim that admissible in a court is a bizarre standard, it boggles the mind.
  12. If you're not making it up then surely you can post some evidence that passes a sanity check?
  13. What's not clear is how you form your opinion that Biden was involved. I'm all ears. I wonder what the MAGA acolytes are going to do when no charges are laid against Joe Biden? Drag out the gallows again? Pitchforks? Cane BBQ lanterns? Rally around the pine tree flag?
  14. Hillary Clinton was right. Trump’s supporters are deplorable. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2020/6/23/hillary-clinton-was-right
  15. I think the Hunter Biden deflection strategy has run its course.
  16. It did convince 81 million other voters. I'll see your 70 and raise you 10.
  17. You tube is easily sufficient. Al Jazeera have a live stream on it for a start.
  18. They're all mouth until they have to put their hand on the bible.
  19. Rubbish, I have linked to dozens of reports and websites which provide ample evidence and research papers. You have nothing except conspiracy theories and social networks to support your denial.
  20. He won't get the nomination. The RNC will disqualify him now in my opinion. They do have the legal ability.
  21. I don't watch TV or read any social networks. I get my news from the online press.
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