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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Two factors a re prominent in countries with high denialism rates. A large fossil fuel industry and Murdoch press.
  2. Plenty of fossil fuel magnates in that list, what are you on about?
  3. Yes, posted here many times about the Koch brothers and others.
  4. You will never get a rational explanation, just unfounded opinions.
  5. Former President Donald Trump is facing likely imminent indictment in the January 6 investigation by special counsel Jack Smith, and the decision could come down in a matter of days. And one of the significant episodes that could legally implicate Trump in a deliberate plot to deprive people of their rights, said New York University law professor Ryan Goodman, is his move to fire cybersecurity official Chris Krebs after he vouched for the security of the 2020 election. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-indictment-chris-krebs-firing/
  6. The richest people are related to the fossil fuel industry and they get richer by bribing right wing politicians to do nothing.
  7. Joe Biden Carves Out Biggest Lead Over Donald Trump in Six Months: Polls https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-carves-out-biggest-lead-over-donald-trump-six-months-poll-1814537
  8. Electoral support for both candidates runs a few points higher than their underlying favorability ratings. Specifically, 47% of American voters are likely to vote for Biden while 43% have a favorable opinion of him, and 40% are likely to vote for Trump while 36% have a favorable opinion of him. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4108696-poll-shows-biden-beating-trump-even-if-manchin-runs/
  9. I know which side of the truth I'd prefer to be living in. It must be tough trying to believe all these looming indictments are just a "big lie".
  10. Enjoy it while you can, Musk is claimiing it's close to bankrupt. One of the few times he has spoken the truth lately.
  11. Jack Smith and other prosecutors are providing the evidence. Who's providing the evidence to justify derogatory comments against Biden? Partisan hacks,
  12. When you can't defend your guy the only option left is to attack the other guy.
  13. Tell us more about how he has handled the "ukraine thing". For most people that will be his enduring legacy after Trump traitorous handling of the "ukraine thing"
  14. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/nigel-farage-eu-poster-reported-8206561
  15. Is that the basis for your criticism of Biden? That he believes black people have suffered discrimination at the hand sof white people? Try to be a little less trite with your paraphrasing.
  16. What is there to wonder about? They like him for that reason.
  17. Stop the boats is a lot less humanising that "stop the refugees".
  18. At least you don't deny he inherited a disaster. It takes many months for policy changes to show up in an economy. Biden has the best US economy in decades right now.
  19. They're all here only to troll because they don't have science on their side.
  20. The East (Europe) has fallen because, not ironically, they weren't liberal enough.
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