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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. When my mum was around 90 I took her to babydolls. in soi 15. As soon as she sat down she said she didn't need to see this sort of stuff. Then she got mobbed by girls and other elderly farang customers in there. The next day she asked if we could go back there.
  2. To anybody who did basic science at school it should be more than obvious. Are you suggesting that you don't see a trend and that the trend is alarming?
  3. It very apparent that many here don't know that otherwise this thread would have died long ago. The videos offer irrefutable evidence of a crisis and so you attack the messenger. Well deflected.
  4. It's you who needs the history lesson. He's correct. Most of the stones weighed under 10 tons. The largest were around 80 to 90 tons and there weren't many of those.
  5. Nearly all Australians have heard of her. I never really liked any of her music but I don't mind her latest hit Padam Padam. It sounds like it's so over engineered it doesn't even sound like her.
  6. Yet here you are defending religion. It is not necessary or desirable to "pull in the same direction" and I'm not willing to die for a religious belief. If you think life has no purpose without religion you belong in the same place as those who believe that atheists have no morals.
  7. That's my opinion as well. I have asked this single question of anybody who wants to talk to me about religion. Never got an answer.
  8. So we can agree that the military has not tried to justify their budget based on the existence (and implied threat) of UFO's?
  9. The shovel broke? You finally stopped digging that hole? I guess you have just supported the premise of the OP since you can't directly address a simple question.. The fact is that smart people aren't religious because of these logical failings by those who are religious.
  10. Again, you take a 90 degree swerve away from the question. Do those texts explain why their religions are real and other s are false in your opinion? Do they explain that? If so then enlighten us as to which one is the real religion. I've read the old testament and I can tell you it doesn't explain that. Otherwise I'd know. Do you know?
  11. It's a fact that religious leaders claim their religion is real and the only true religion. They must know the "ultimate question". Are they lying when they claim other religions aren't real by implication? It goes against christian theological teachings for more than one god to exist. They (and you) can't address this question in a way that's logical or even cogent. It's a simple philosophical question, how can all religions be real. If that can't be satisfactorily answered then it's safe to conclude that none are. That's the only logical conclusion.
  12. No, I'm saying I don't have the facts and I'm asking for them. Which religion is real and which are fake? They can't all be real. Which is it?
  13. Show us where anybody in the military ever used that argument and to whom. This is just an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory.
  14. Precisely the opposite of the argument the right made when the previous guy was being investigated.
  15. It's not hard. Either they are all real or none are real. That's the single logical conclusion that can be drawn from this. Stop engaging in word salad.
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