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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. No, your link does not definitively establish that the UN consider this a war in the proper sense of the word as defined in the wiki I linked. The document is a draft text which was =vetoed by the US and from which the UK abstained. Also clearly explained in the link. Why can't you read?
  2. Consider a mini with a portable monitor? Then later you can update the computer more cheaply. This configuration is also more flexible in my opinion. And lighter.
  3. No nation declared war against another. From your link. The hostilities constitute the fifth war of the Gaza–Israel conflict since 2008 and are part of the broader Israeli–Palestinian conflict. They are considered to be the most significant military escalation in the region since the Yom Kippur War 50 years earlier.[84] By quoting this link you must acknowledge that the "war" did not start on October 7th.
  4. Israel had no right under international law to declare a war and did not. "A state of war alert" is weasel words and was declared by Israel NOT Hamas. A war may ONLY be conducted between two or more nation states. Period. You have failed to produce a link to your claim that the UN itself characterised the conflict as a war.
  5. The difference between m2 and m3 aren't huge.
  6. Netanyahu has explicitly stated time and again that there is no credible Palestinian authority and so there was nobody to negotiate a two state solution with. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Claims that Hamas were the government of Palestinian as an excuse to call this a war are disingenuous.
  7. The definition is one nation state against another, something you seem to be unable to learn. Are both nation states or not? It was Israel who declared the "war". not Hamas. Hamas engaged in a terror attack.
  8. Show me where I'm making excuses for a terrorist organization I have explicitly condemned time and again.
  9. It was a terrorist attack by a group of terrorists. It was not the act of a nation state. You can't contend that Hamas aren't soldiers but terrorists and that they engaged in war at the same time. If Hamas are an army and committed atrocities against Israel then the same can be said about the IDF. Acts of terror are crimes, not declarations of war.
  10. Israeli declared "war". Bush was ridiculed for declaring a "war on terror". Which nation did Israel declare a war against? A declaration of war is a formal act by which one state announces existing or impending war activity against another. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_war
  11. No. Israel did use the weapons against Palestinian civilians. Your post makes no sense. Killed incidentally is the most abject apology for genocide I have ever read.
  12. Really. Nations committing genocide shouldn't be allowed anywhere near weapons.
  13. Why is it OK for the Israelis to manufacture weapons to use against the Palestinian public?
  14. did not alter the original question. I added a second sentence to the post. jeez. You've lost the plot. I never denied that I edited the post. Prove that I read your post before editing mine. jeez.
  15. I did not edit my post after reading your reply. I edit the vast majority of my posts. My question is why the response was not reasonable. You didn't remotely try to answer that.
  16. Why was their response to that claim not reasonable or believable on it's face? If they were disingenuous they would have simply provided the full list and said they were all alive.
  17. I find it vile and inhumane to support the continued slaughter of civilians in order to exact retribution against Hamas, tot he last man, whether present on October 7th or not while, at the same time refusing to state whether the Palestinians should have a state and whether or not all of Gaza and the West Bank belong to Israel. This is not a war. Which nation was war declared against? This was a policing operation against terrorists. It is not a 1967 replay. If you claim this is a war at least acknowledge that the 1967 war never ended. There is only a ceasefire agreement with Egypt. Just like ww1 and we know how that turned out. If there is a war, it started in 1948 when two million people were forced from their homes, a clear act of genocide. It was a huge mistake not to have created a simultaneous Palestinian nation. That is did not happen can only be a tip of the hat to the zionist ideal that the entire region belongs to Israel.
  18. I never implied they had any justification. You are deliberately distorting what I said in order to be inflammatory. I addressed the reasons why Hamas has not given his daughter back ALL of Hamas demands in the current hostage negotiations are eminently reasonable. Israel needs to stop the war crimes and hand Palestinians a 2 state solution. At a minimum.
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