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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. If it's not referring to Muslims then your post makes no sense. It isn't just immigrants hating on Israel right now. Nor was that ever the case.
  2. "intolerant Jew hating racists" I believe this racist dog whistle is referring to Musims? Yes? Why not use explicit language to say what you mean? That was a rhetorical question, I know the answer.
  3. Stop the flames. I read a lot. When will you acknowledge that Netanyahu is a war criminal?
  4. Trump claims he 'purposely' lost D.C. GOP primary contest to Nikki Haley https://www.rawstory.com/trump-purposely-lost-to-haley/
  5. It's time Israelis stopped trotting out their perpetual victim card to justify racism against Palestinians and started to condemn their own government as they are in Israel. If there was an election held in Israel now Likud would lose. It's only the zionist zealots who are still reminding us about October 7th at every turn to deflect blame away from their own country's war crimes.
  6. I suggest that a Jew walking down the street doing and saying nothing in the UK is not remarkable and is not what is happening here.
  7. What I said you got correct is your summation of my solution to take it to the ICJ. I just expanded on the reasons for that sentiment. That said, I know you will never criticize Israel for war crimes against Palestinians. You haven't so far.
  8. With the same outcome after the IDF shot a Palestinian journalist no doubt. Israel is not the appropriate body to be conducting an inquest.
  9. Go Nikki! Nikki Haley wins the District of Columbia’s Republican primary and gets her first 2024 victory
  10. At least you got that correct. I make no apologies for condemning the revenge attacks on all Palestinians by Israel following the Hamas terrorist attacks. Nothing excuses Israel's war crimes and collective punishment following that attack. Nothing.
  11. Should Israelis overseas who support zionism at this point escape criticism?
  12. You conveniently forget to mention that Israel ignored the order as well in your zeal to blame one side for the problem.
  13. I stand by my opinion that violence begets violence. The Israeli leadership has blown the high moral ground here and lies in the gutter with Hamas.
  14. It seems for the some that the words Palestinian and Hamas may be freely conflated.
  15. Persecuted might be a bit strong don't you think? Maybe you should save that word for real persecution. I already said they shouldn't be abused but if they openly support their war criminal government's actions then they are going to draw some flak. That anti Israel sentiment isn't confined to Berkeley.
  16. Racism has been acceptable in Israel since 1948 in the form of apartheid and genocidal actions like the illegal settlements and by actively working to thwart a Palestinian state and now with mass indiscriminate bombing. The Likud party couldn't have been poisoning the well any harder. I know you don't wart to focus on the war crimes in Israel. What should the citizens of UK be saying about that? The Vietnam veterans suffered a similar fate toward the end of the Vietnam war. War crimes are never popular.
  17. It's the zionist playbook. Maximum provocation and then complain victimhood when the inevitable violence breaks out. I think you should be referring to the $100 million being unleashed by AIPAC to unseat anti war progressive sin the US congress.
  18. I don't know, I was responding to a comment about the sentiment. Personally, I think they don't dress differently and the sentiment was wrong. I do think that maybe they are getting push back from running their mouth at a time when the national sentiment is strongly anti Israel and pro Palestinian. Unfortunate but that what's you get when you aren't openly protesting the actions of your own war criminal leader.
  19. Funny how that's been a criticism of Muslims for decades because they don't "assimilate".
  20. Very curious. Here we have Jews in the UK saying it's like nazi Germany but woe betide anyone who says that about Palestinians living in Gaza. Suddenly their sacred cow isn't so sacred anymore. I'm not condoning the antisemitism in the UK for a moment but it seems like Jews are the only peoples who are allowed to use the word nazi and they can use it at will. Their treatment in the UK is an understandable, if not acceptable, response to the current intransigence of their dear leader and his war cabinet. They should be complaining about Israel much louder than complaining about the UK.
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