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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. AIPAC uncorks $100 million war chest to sink progressive candidates A California Democrat running for Rep. Katie Porter’s seat suddenly became the target of an unexpected barrage of negative ads from the nation’s premier pro-Israel group this year. AIPAC’s biggest targets are members of the so-called Squad of progressive House Democrats who have been openly pressuring the administration to call for a cease-fire. But AIPAC’s ambitions are broader. United Democracy Project, the group’s super PAC, is monitoring 15 to 20 House races and polling in many of those districts, according to a person directly familiar with UDP’s strategy and granted anonymity to discuss the approach. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/03/aipac-israel-spending-democratic-primaries-00144552
  2. Israel’s wartime Cabinet is shaken by a dispute between Netanyahu and his top political rival A top Israeli Cabinet minister headed to Washington on Sunday for talks with U.S. officials, sparking a rebuke from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, according to an Israeli official, in a sign of widening cracks in Israel’s wartime government nearly five months into its war with Hamas. The trip by Benny Gantz, a centrist political rival who joined Netanyahu’s hard-line government early in the war following Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel, comes amid deep disagreements between Netanyahu and President Joe Biden over how to alleviate the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza and create a post-war vision for the enclave. Gantz, who polls show would earn enough support to become prime minister if a vote were held today, has remained vague about his view of Palestinian statehood. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-03-03-2024-3193becf71b8e5a533d38be7973795e7
  3. How about coming up with an argument why Hamas wouldn't be driven to a peace treaty by the guarantee of a sovereign state including the illegal settlements and a multinational peacekeeping force. Maybe just chuck in a few billion for reconstruction as a mea culpa. If you think Israel comes out of this unharmed you're delusional. Hamas would have to give up its leaders as well IF the Israelis did as well. Fair's fair. I don;'t think either Netanyahu or Galant come out of this without war crimes indictments either, but not part of the initial deal presumably. That said the ICJ did order the prosecution of the perps for statements amounting to racist incitement to genocide and they presumably include both of those.
  4. Had I been alive in WW2 that would have been my position exactly. All of my life I have considered the bombing London, Dresden and Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the firebombing of Tokyo to be war crimes. The appropriate reaction to the Hamas crimes should have been to go to the ICJ and ICC and to attempt to apprehend and prosecute as many as possible without any loss to c!vilian life. That should have been the playbook, not massive indiscriminate bombing of every Palestinian in sight.
  5. Not even a tip of the hat to the 20 odd thousand dead Palestinian civilians? While the terrorist massacre was indeed unspeakably horrific and should never be forgotten or forgiven, it is now a matter of history. What isn't history are the ongoing war crimes in gaza. Perhaps that's why one tends to focus more on current events? But lets get back to the topic please.
  6. On the possibility that this was a provocation, it seems incredulous to believe anything other than the reception this guy was going to get on a famously liberal university, perhaps the most liberal in the world. Of course, students at Berkeley aren't well known for activism. Much. The speaker is the mastermind behind Netanyahu's legal "reform" policy. Hardly gonna raise an eyebrow on a university. The scheduled speaker, Ran Bar-Yoshafat, is the deputy director of the Kohelet Policy Forum, a conservative Jerusalem-based think tank heavily influential in Israeli national politics. One of his earliest jobs was as a legal advisor to the Knesset, Israel’s national legislature, according to his LinkedIn page. The talk was jointly organized by several student groups, including Berkeley Tikvah and Bears for Israel, according to a web page for Tikvah. https://www.berkeleyside.org/2024/02/27/uc-berkeley-israeli-speaker-protest Tikvah: The Zionist Voice on Campus is an independent grassroots student-led organization at UC Berkeley, founded in 2007, whose mission is to promote Zionism on campus and to educate the UC Berkeley community about Israel. https://callink.berkeley.edu/organization/tikvahstudentsforisrael Bears for Israel aims to be an inclusive, pro-active, and pro-Israel voice that promotes open dialogue on the UC Berkeley campus. https://callink.berkeley.edu/organization/bearsforisrael edit: Of course the zionist and pro Israel groups have every right to stage this event. But they have to be very imperceptive not think this was the worst possible timing. tl:dr; I'll go hopping to hell if the groups staging that event weren't the most activist zionist individuals on campus. Don't let them them claim victimhood. Typical far right political stunt. edit: and the truly disgusting provocateur of racism and division leapt right on it, the Murdoch press.
  7. Nothing about it being a deliberate provocation? No opinion about that?
  8. Before I saw your reply. Otherwise I would not have edited it. Hard cheese. I am illiterate, yes.
  9. I see no attempt to rebut my hypothesis. What should I infer from that?
  10. OK, here's more. Was perhaps the entire event not a stunt to to create an inflammatory confrontation at a university on which they had to know there was intense anti Israeli sentiment at the current time? Maybe that's why the protesters were so angry? Then they get to cry the victim. How did I do?
  11. Please. Quit the pearl clutching. We have a not serious injury of a girl at a protest on a university. Was she not perhaps being antagonistic toward the protesters? She certainly didn't leave the scene at the first sign of trouble. Undoubtedly others did.
  12. In independent media it says that there were no serious injuries.
  13. It almost bruised and nearly drew blood! Hang them I say. I didn't overlook anything, I specifically made mention of their complaint. I'm been talking all along about E.V.I.D.E.N.C.E of the independent kind of there being more than a single student chanting antisemitic slogans. Far be that from an "antisemitic mob" as you and the title claim. Totally on point. I hate to bring you back to the point of contention but here we are.
  14. I never said you had to but you do seem to chuck a wobbly if I ignore one of your challenges. And I did use your exact words and that of the murdoch rag cited in the OP (no reflection on the OP poster) and said paint me skeptical. Nobody will step up to the plate to prove that I'm wrong, just repeat allegations until they're blue in the face. Oh well..,.
  15. Again, you can't / won't attempt to establish that it was an antisemitic "mob" as opposed to an anti zionist protest. Bad faith much?
  16. If you replace the word Jews with Zionists then yes and it always was. It must be terrible to be a parent of one of those Israeli kids killed on October 7th. Just as terrible as it must have felt to find out your son was shot for throwing a stone. Or just walking somewhere alone and unarmed just a block away from where the Palestinian journalist was assassinated by IDF troops. . Terrible indeed.
  17. Not wishing to drag this thread off topic but I am truly amazed at the abiliity of the billionaire kleptocrats to convince the uneducated working class to vote against their own interests.
  18. Right. Zero evidence of collective antisemitism. Just a desperate attempt by probable zionist kids to shut down the intense anti Israeli sentiment currently pervasive among most of the youth in America, especially on universities. Those protesters had a first amendment right shout whatever they wanted. Be careful what you wish for. Not that I'm condoning antisemitism in case somebody should be tempted to let loose again. oh noos, university students broke a window. Oh, the outrage.
  19. That is the stock in trade of all of the Murdoch press, to engender as much fear and loathing as possible with the use of hyperbole such as we see in the OP.
  20. OK, YOU haven't established that it isn't more than one person yet. I certainly haven't and I'm dead sure you haven't either at this time. The title of the thread says Berkeley Lets Loose an Antisemitic Mob 3 lies in one sentence. How this dumb rag gets "Berkeley lets loose" out a single miscreant is beyond me. That it was a "mob" is not established in the article. That the protesters were antisemitic in the majority was not established and the Times of Israel did not support that.
  21. We still haven't established that there was any more than one student yelling antisemitic slurs at the event protesting whatisname have we? How much resources should a university allocate to guarantee that an isolated outbreak of any racism won't occur? The university has already said that it will investigate the accusation but that seems not to be enough to placate the exploding heads. Mountains and mole hills spring to mind.
  22. Hardly justification for the nuclear explosion of zionist heads as exemplified by the WSJ's apoplectic response to a single (or several) individuals' inappropriate behavior. When was the last time that the WSJ responded so stridently to a single inconsequential student's islamophobic slurs? hint: probably never.
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