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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. So now we have France, The Netherlands, Estonia and Lithuania suggesting that may send troops to Ukraine. https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-russia-war-help-estonia-prime-minister-kaja-kallas/
  2. Ok, so we can agree that on Berkeley there is no proof that there was any more than one student?
  3. Of course it's not right. Where is your proof that a "mob" was chanting antisemitic slurs? So far we have one student and an allegation that it was more.
  4. You quoted the line and you did not say you disagreed with your quote. Here https://aseannow.com/?app=core&module=system&controller=content&do=find&content_class=forums_Topic&content_id=1320238&content_commentid=18737369
  5. You said it was just one student by quoting that from the OP. I said that I presumed it would be an individual as I do know the very liberal tradition of Berkeley University. I'm old.
  6. That's the complaint. You well know that independent verification is what's required for that complaint to prosper in a court. edit: I do agree one is too many but that's not what's being alleged here.
  7. I told you I saw no need to respond to a quote that was singularly uncontroversial. It seems now that ONE student may be investigated if they can identify him. Yawn. Again, I did say I didn't doubt that there were some individuals in the crowd who were antisemitic but the fact that it was Berkeley almost ensured they would be very few. You seem to want to paint the entire crowd as antisemitic. I use the word "seem" generously. Lol.
  8. Ah yes, ONE student. I did make this point clearly and remind you again of your accusation to anotherposter made today of "inability to grasp". I explicitly asked you to provide evidence where it wasn't just an individual btw. LOL
  9. That you complained about being stuck on a post and then made a repost of a very recent post you made. The very definition of irony.
  10. Good point. The young are more attracted to anything that is illegal. Reductions in the use of all drugs in other countries has been seen where their use it decriminalised.
  11. They are entitled to lay a complaint and it will be investigated. That should be self evident and not controversial. The complaint is proof of ... nothing.
  12. First sentence. How did any of them know whether there were any Jews at all in the crowd? They were ostensibly protesting zionism, led by a known rabid zionist. I have addressed the actual content of the chants as far as I could find any. You should now link to your accusations of shouts of "Jew Jew Jew". I have not seen them. Note that I also previously said I didn't doubt that there were some individuals, as always, but I want to see where the crowd was chanting that collectively for your point to be valid.
  13. More irony! "Stuck on a post" and then immediately reposting a quote you posted today already. It's intriguing how both you and JT both walk a tightrope of bigotry, caught between respective stances on MAGA bigotry and your blind allegiance to zionist racism.
  14. and posted a comment critical of i24's objectivity. I note you used the words "inability to grasp", in another thread just now and was struck by the irony.
  15. I clicked on a post you made linking to that site.
  16. All I know is that one day they will surely live in interesting times.
  17. i24 is a known Israeli propaganda site. closely associated with AIPAC whose patron is or was John Bolton.
  18. So, in your defense you cite Israeli propaganda? What motive could the House have had except to shut down criticism of Israel's war crimes? Cut the flames, your innuendo fools nobody.
  19. Yep, zionists wanting to shut down any criticism of Israel and discussion of war crimes. That resolution is not worth a sheet of used toilet paper athough it may resemble one.
  20. Mostly all on the back of oil and gas which is precisely why he wants to annexe Ukraine as it has a lot of resources. Without Ukraine, Russia's economy is toast.
  21. Now you're trying to tell me the House right wing flank isn't a bunch of rabid racists takingevery opportunity to push their christian nationalist and islamophobic agenda.
  22. The comments are likely the usual tiki torch and pitchfork bearing mob that form the base of domestic terrorism. edit: yeah, read the second comment: "Progressives claim that being anti-Israel or anti-Zionist isn’t the same as being antisemitic. Tuesday at Berkeley shows how dishonest that claim is." Classic "faulty generalization" logical fallacy.
  23. It's not a deflection and you well know that the Murdoch press will stop at nothing to push the racism button whenever given the chance. As they evidently have in this case. Will you now insist and potentially be reminded forever that you consider the Murdoch press to be unbiased and not outright racist?
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