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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. OK, I'll give you the statistic. My apologies. The black ave is much higher for the US in general. Nevertheless, this narrative that he would not pick someone just as good as anybody even from 6% of the population of many millions is just ba right wing talking point. The narrative is design edo combat any effort to level up the playing field after hundreds of years of discrimination against blacks which has led to a massive under representation by blacks in public life.
  2. Rubbish. Your stats are fake. He can choose from any state in the US. The black population is not 6%. You just lost your credibility on this issue by stating an unsupported false statistic.
  3. Is there ever a single person who is "best qualified" for any job or any person who is indispensable? Do you seriously think that appointing a black woman excludes better qualified people> That there aren't black women who are JUST AS GOOD as any other applicant? Seriously?
  4. I'm not American b ut I can read and understand statistics.
  5. OK, try this. Historically vice presidents have always failed at handling major national crises so maybe she will also?
  6. I can understand why Biden has assigned her the job of tackling gun laws. 7 years or so as AG for the world's third largest economy. That's a lot of creds.
  7. There's another charge for destruction of secret official records.
  8. Trump inherited a trending economy from Obama and then it declined under his watch while the national debt skyrocketed. He turned America into a pariah nation and made himself a laughing stock. He's the only president in history to be found guilty of sexual assault in a court and may well be the only one to go to jail. His only lasting legacy is 30,000 lies, apart from a crippling interest bill on the debt he incurred. White supremacist hate groups exploded under his watch as did racial hate crimes and mass shootings. A record number of his cronies had to resign or be fired, a dozen of then=m have been indicted for federal crimes and he associated himself with a wide array of cronies. He fostered the hate groups and encouraged them to mount an insurrection in his name which sent many of them to jail for decades, convicted of conspiracy charges. What did the Abrahamic accords achieve? Nothing. He also made the Palestinian problem significantly worse. Few more despicable public figures have ever lived.
  9. She'll do a Ross Perot to make sure no Republican president gets elected.
  10. Apparently there's a lack of fodder to mount an argument in support of trump.
  11. He won handily last election despite the doom and gloom over inflation, covid and a looming hard landing. Now, the economy is doing fine with booming stock prices, low unemployment and the possibility of there not even being a recession. The Republicans can't find an angle of attack so resort to culture wars to try to get the job done. Biden will win easily.
  12. Totally shaking in their boots since sleepy Joe trounced trump last election and his picks got trashed in the mid terms.
  13. It was about 100,000 jobs north of estimates I believe. Additionally the previous months figures were revised upwards by a big number, I think. That's huge. One wonders how long the wingnuts can sustain the "Biden is wrecking the economy mantra". https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/non-farm-payrolls
  14. Funny. I keep seeing the NABAB defense.
  15. How senile do you have to be to think you won an election that you lost by ten million votes?
  16. Even Trump showed some grace, recognising the frailty of age. "Well, I hope he wasn't hurt," Trump said, adding, "The whole thing is crazy -- you gotta be careful about that ... because you don't want that, even if you have to tiptoe down a ramp." After his fall Biden, who is now 80, stood back up with some help and walked away unassisted. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-almost-falls-off-stage/
  17. Delaware law says the laptop now has become Mac Isaac's property. But Hunter's lawyers say Mac Isaac does not have rights to the contents of the laptop's hard drive. Hunter Biden’s legal team says that they also plan to seek depositions of several others in the case, including former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Steve Bannon, who allegedly had roles in spreading news of the data stored on the device.
  18. Is that worse than mistaking your ex wife for somebody you raped?
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