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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Pretty understandable slip for a senator who had 16 years of addressing the opposition president as George. In an interview he's probably focussed on something more important.
  2. Could you tell me which constitutional amendment confers the right to free speech? Do you think it doesn't matter to foreigners what happens in America?
  3. Gender irrelevant for me. I would agree that lack of experience is a positive but I just can't.
  4. Not really. There is a VP to ensure no disruption and good presidents listen to their advisors anyway. No decent president tries to run the country using their own gut feelings and lack of specialised knowledge.
  5. I prefer older politicians. They are more experienced, wiser and have less chance of making testosterone fueled decisions.
  6. Accusing the other side of something your side is guilty of. Also known as projection.
  7. The longest walk I ever saw was the white house to a nearby chapel to hold a bible upside down in front of a camera while the previous pedestrians were tear gassed. We know he doesn't walk on the golf course. Where exactly did Trump ever walk more than half a mile?
  8. His predecessor didn't even walk let alone ride a bike. That would be the predecessor who needed two hands to drink out of a glass?
  9. America will be a political laughing stock for decades to come.
  10. He rides most days. The chances of never falling off are? He looks fit to me, totally unlike his predecessor. I think all the frail Biden narrative is an accusation confession.
  11. I saw Landana goats milk cheese slices in Tops supermarket today in Central Festival Pattaya. 279 baht. Never seen that before.
  12. I guess he could ride his bicycle there. He rides one almost daily. When he's not lifting weights that is. It's a wonder he finds anytime for work between all the exercise he does. Presidents who don't exercise are a national security threat. It's not good that they live one big mac away from a heart attack.
  13. somehow it didn't matter when it wasn't Biden's deficit. Trump approved 7 debt ceiling increases. This is why the Republicans lost this debate, they didn't have the moral high ground.
  14. I wouldn't stop making movies based on these numbers. Anyone would think it lost money from reading your posts. https://www.polygon.com/23742316/little-mermaid-box-office-opening-disney
  15. Translation: Right wing activist internet trolls bombed the site with negative ratings. "In some pockets of the world, there has sadly been racially-tinged commentary."
  16. Then you're at odds with Trump who wants to refuse such children citizenship. As you implied they have that right under the US constitution.
  17. A good number of the "parents" would be single women who were raped along the way. You'd deny citizenship for that child?
  18. Ukraine. And interest on money borrowed to fund Trump's tax giveaway to the rich.
  19. We can't repeal the 2nd amendment or the first amendment because they are in the constitution. The 14th amendment, not so much. Party of hypocrites.
  20. The list will be hard to track down. Why was just to curry favour with his donors. A group of people in the same room as Trump would likely be donors.
  21. I think the pertinent question is "is this recording authentic?" not shooting the messenger. Suddenly whistleblowers are not flavor of the month anymore like they were last month.
  22. That assessment is made when the funds are committed. The debt ceiling isn't related to the question of solvency.
  23. In case anybody misses the point, disclosing confidential pentagon national security reports publicly to people without security clearance is prima facie evidence of espionage.
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