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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Oh, you found an English word which has two meanings. Well done! The one is common recent use by the bigots isn't one of them.
  2. The definition of woke in it's original etymology bears no resemblance to the misuse to which the intolerant indulge in lately.
  3. Boys dressed as girls. Please try to control your ignorance of gay issues and hate speech. It's disgusting. The non binary nature of gender has been explained here many times. You have no excuse to continually remain ignorant and troll readers of this thread.
  4. Huge problem with the far right is their predilection for taking a single anecdote and claiming it proves their case.
  5. Why should e be concerned about the minnows who have no chance? This still looks like complaining about people attacking Trump to me.
  6. I know of 2,000 employees and a billion dollars that won't be going there because of anti woke rhetoric.
  7. Maybe get over the victimhood and start defending your man. He is the main opposition candidate for Biden by far and so remains a legitimate discussion point.
  8. Demonizing political enemies. Populism Fascism Sloganeering Censorship Rampant racism.
  9. Not at the time. Only now in response to all those hypocrites piling on Biden for tripping over a sandbag and his speech impediment.
  10. Pretty sure I didn't react when Trump stumbled. There was nobody to compare him against so I would not have done so.
  11. Biden goes home a lot — but not as much as Trump went to Trump properties https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/03/07/biden-goes-home-lot-but-not-much-trump-went-trump-properties/
  12. "He also said he trusted Russian intelligence more than his own. He's known to have extensive business dealing with Russian oligarchs. No shortage of smoke there.
  13. No, it just means everybody piling on Biden is being hypocritical. But everybody already knew that.
  14. Recommended viewing for those piling on Biden as being senile and infirm. The video is not biased, it makes no commentary at all.
  15. Really want to know why conservatives are going after Chick Fii A? This video should be required viewing for anyone who thinks woke is a thing.
  16. What won't be so scary? Far right hate groups harassing them will be less scary if they don't express their concern? Is that your point? Do you think anything will make those hate groups desist? Rubbing your nose in it? Do you think it's not a legitimate complaint? Have gay pride rallies not routinely attracted hate groups? Oh wait. I get it. Gay groups expressing their right to free assembly and free speech are triggering for you?
  17. In fact, Biden is working this weekend. He is signingnthe debt ceiling bill today because the far right held it up until the last moment to make a dramatic political non point.
  18. The proof is in the pudding. Many of his actions strongly benefited Putin and at least once he had to be overruled by the senate super majority on arms to Ukraine.
  19. You guys are amazing. Attacking Biden as being lazy, yet your candidate was notoriously the laziest president in history. He said he wouldn't have time for golf because he'd be working. So, on his own admission you can't work and play golf as we all know. He was the Golfer in Chief. And then when he was supposed to be working he was grifting.
  20. I prefer that to getting his orders from the Putin Who Walks.
  21. Because in Delaware he can't possible carry out his job for 2 days a week to meet family and friends outside the white house.
  22. He either did or didn't cut the garbage innuendo without attribution.
  23. Do you think every Republican is a lock step MAGA acolyte?
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