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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Right, it's been a slide since several months after brexit was implemented.
  2. Your link shows that Biden is slightly more popular than Trump was at this stage of his presidency. The WPA Intelligence survey of 1,571 registered voters found Biden, 80, leading 76-year-old Trump 47% to 40%. By comparison, Biden defeated Trump by 4.5 percentage points in the 2020 popular vote, while former President Barack Obama won re-election over Republican Mitt Romney by 3.9 percentage points in 2012 https://nypost.com/2023/05/17/biden-up-7-points-against-trump-in-2024-election-poll/
  3. Keep your anti vax misinformation to yourself would be good. The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised that clinically vulnerable children aged 6 months to 4 years should be offered a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. Although young children are generally at low risk of developing severe illness from COVID-19, infants and young children who have underlying medical conditions are over 7 times more likely to be admitted to paediatric intensive care units. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/children-aged-6-months-to-4-years-in-clinical-risk-groups-to-be-offered-covid-19-vaccine-says-jcvi Children under 12 years will be given smaller doses than older children and adults. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/covid-19/covid-19-vaccination/about-covid-19-vaccination/ The United States has joined a handful of countries recommending that children aged 6 months to 5 years should receive covid-19 vaccines https://www.bmj.com/content/378/bmj.o1863 LONDON, Dec 6 (Reuters) - Britain's health regulator on Tuesday authorised a COVID-19 vaccine for infants as young as six months, opening the door for vaccinating the country's youngest children once the UK's Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) agrees. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) authorised the vaccine - made by Pfizer (PFE.N) and BioNTech (22UAy.DE) - for children aged six months to four years old, after it was deemed safe and effective based on an ongoing clinical trial involving 4,526 participants. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/britains-health-regulator-approves-pfizerbiontech-covid-vaccine-infants-2022-12-06/
  4. I don't understand your point. You'd need to elaborate.
  5. That's what we used to do before there was medicine and science.
  6. Let them die to satisfy your anti vaccination delusion?
  7. And fewer of the other however many millions live in the UK? You demonstrate little knowledge about either statistics or economics.
  8. I'm not arguing that Putin caused the high inflation. This debate is about why the UK is at the top of the list for its peer countries.
  9. We've been through this, at the top of the list for peer countries. Here's the reason why Germany's food inflation rate has dropped so rapidly. Natural gas prices.
  10. Because energy prices have been collapsing the past month or so. That's why the change now. Brexit is holding the UK at the top of the inflation list according to the credible evidence we see here.
  11. Good idea. Leave it up to the doctors, not internet pundits.
  12. ALL of their EU "peers". Hungary, Poland, Turkey. etc are not national peers for the UK.
  13. First it was automation and jobs coming for our jobs and now it is AI. The choice is simple. Ban progress or implement a living wage paid for by corporate taxes.
  14. I didn't. I clearly said that the UK has higher inflation rates than the EU peers and the evidence I have presented states that brexit is the cause. Show me where the central bank target rate for inflation worldwide has been anything other than 2% for the past 100 years.
  15. Energy costs mainly because of Ukraine but they have lower food inflation rates than the UK. By a lot. Central bank target rates are 2%. They freak out when inflation is 4% and jack up interest rates.
  16. Yes and it's ludicrous to compare Turkey with the UK given that we know it's had rampant inflation due to Erdogan's policies. Turkey is not a peer nation of the UK. In the list I posted, the UK has the highest food inflation of any peer nation in the EU by a country mile.
  17. Western food is the second most popular food in China? Really? Is McDonalds western food? I suppose there's a western food restaurant on every street corner which are a favourite of the masses. Please.
  18. You having a lend of us expecting us to swallow that. Lumping Turkey in with 54% is a joke. https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/food-inflation?continent=europe
  19. MTG doesn't want people to grass on insurrectionists. Greene flips on public release of Jan. 6 tapes, claims it could ‘put the security of the Capitol at risk’ She said she is concerned about left-wing groups that would use facial-recognition technology to identify those seen in the videos to “hand them over” to the FBI and Justice Department. She said that some people committed violence and broke the law and should be held accountable but many others did not commit crimes. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4032484-greene-flips-on-public-release-of-jan-6-tapes-claims-it-could-put-the-security-of-the-capitol-at-risk/
  20. If you knew you'd be able to tell us how it isn't a major contributor instead of just a troll comment.
  21. Thank your lucky stars that the US didn't default then or you'd have been waiting a little longer.
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