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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Wasabi can be cloud NAS, yes. I just had a look and found this. fees are USD $6 a month. https://wasabi.com/cloud-nas/
  2. The current best high capacity storage drive would be the WD Ultrastor series in my opinion.
  3. No, You can make separate buckets. S3 Is more of a bulk storage paradigm. I assume you have software looking for an smb drive? If up and downloading manually it works fine and it's searchable. Media files are typically stored in these things by large corporations.
  4. Those would be minimum specs for anybody wanting to run windows. Anybody logically includes her.
  5. Why not just use a cloud s3 server like wasabi.com? $9 a terabyte, have a server in singapore and very reliable. They even have an AWS s3 compatible API if that interests you.
  6. I'm surprised that you aren't aware of the connection between Kavanaugh and others. Will this link work? https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2021/03/in-audiobook-takeover-noah-feldman-lidia-jean-kott-explore-how-federalist-society-captured-supreme-court/
  7. That would be my first pick as well. Whatever the school produces should work on either windows or macos anyway.
  8. Yes. It's a nice round number and just a few thousand more should buy something a lot better than the absolute minimum.
  9. A chromebook would be best for her. Does she need a computer? Is she in secondary school? Other than that, Thailand students would all be on windows. It's likely any laptop you buy will have windows 10 which will upgrade to windows 11. It should have at least 8Gb RAM and 256Gb disk storage, preferably 512Gb. A kid would accumulate a lot of data over time but you could use an external hard drive to store that, like photos and videos. Maybe look at ASUS or Lenovo, or Samsung.
  10. I'll have to learn to tug the forelock some more. I didn't realize there was a problem with trashing the royal family.
  11. I've used it for a year now, how is it worse for me? I pay 400 a month for unlimited internet.
  12. I know, I did that when I installed win 11 in a VM. My point was that is not an computer incompatibility. It's just a setting. I don't want to argue about this further.
  13. I just woke up too late but watched the highlights. The best was that Musk wants to defund NPR but if he really wants it to go away he should buy it. No way that guy is senile, lol.
  14. Thanks, I actually did get an AIS post paid with a one year contract. I originally asked the guy for prepaid and he asked how long I will be staying. When I told him at least a year he sold me the post paid deal.
  15. Another thing to know about the mac is that it uses a third of the power of current other computers. I believe it is a risc chip. Apple call it silicon but that's just the marketing, all chips are silicon and have been forever. Apple has greater software compatibility than linux (photoshop, autocad, dragon naturally speaking, etc) but linux has all of the software you will likely ever need and does have alternatives to those. When installing software on the mac mini, you need to select apple silicon rather than intel.
  16. Unless you're doing a lot of travelling and really need portability, I highly recommend the mac mini m2. I bought one recently and upgraded the ram to 16 Gb and the drive to 512 Gb. I recommend at least the ram upgrade as you can't add more later. You could use an external drive if you need more storage. I didn't choose the pro, it's only necessary if you want to do some serious graphics work or perhaps gaming. I'm not a gamer so don't really know. I wouldn't buy a macbook. The base mac mini is 20,900 baht. The ram and drive upgrades are 7,000 each. I also have an ASUS PN51 mini with linux installed. I use linux for coding because I don't want to give Apple $144 a year for an apple developer license which I would need for in app Firebase services.
  17. I asked how it was incompatible. Disabling secure boot mode in the bios doesn't constitute incompatibility. It's a firmware switch. I'm not attacking you, I was interested in learning why that machine was incompatible. As an aside I had to disable secure boot in my ASUS mini in torder to use VirtualBox with Linux. Secure boot isn't necessary anyway, I understand linux has other defenses against root kit attacks. I don't know what they are, not really interested.
  18. A BBC documentary just claimed that Charles is in favour of a slimmed down monarchy.
  19. Maybe it's his personal stash and he's got one helluva habit.
  20. Ron DeTedious: DeSantis underwhelms Britain’s business chiefs UK captains of industry lambast ‘low-wattage’ US presidential hopeful. https://www.politico.eu/article/ron-detedious-how-desantis-underwhelmed-britains-business-chiefs/
  21. You could just get an unlimited prepaid and use your personal hotspot from your phone. Any carrier will do. Pocket travel wifi modems are terrible. If you're really keen get along to Banana and buy a sim modem router.
  22. A Texas man went next door with a rifle and began shooting his neighbors, killing an 8-year-old and four others inside the house, after the family asked him to stop firing rounds in his yard because they were trying to sleep, authorities said Saturday. https://apnews.com/article/mass-shooting-san-jacinto-county-texas-395d6d7501f6a3f53aeccbb00ec5fbaf?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_01
  23. They're probably not gay. Lots of middle easterners and Indians do it in Pattaya as well.
  24. Trump’s 2024 Republican Opponents Are Caught in His Trap Do they even realize the contradiction at the heart of their candidacies? Well, we’re getting a look now, and the scene is grim. Instead of capitalizing on Trump’s indictment by going in for the kill, Trump’s competitors are defending him. None of the rest of the field look like they’ll successfully reconcile their support for Trump’s stolen-election claims with their desire to supplant him. And so the most likely person to defeat Trump will, once again, be a Democrat. https://newrepublic.com/post/172278/trump-2024-primary-opponents-trap
  25. You didn't say it to me and my reaction is irrelevant. I'm not a gay person and couldn't pass judgment. I did point out that it was deleted and you are getting awfully close to questioning a moddy decision here, not to mention restating a deleted comment.
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