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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Exactly the point that the producer made when choosing a black actress to play the part. It's about equal opportunity because black actors have faced a history of discrimination. You can't grasp that Cleopatra's race isn't pertinent to the choosing the actress' race and there was absolutely no reason not to choose a black actress and no reason to choose a white actress?
  2. So no wage too low to live on and support families with? Got it.
  3. Would you estimate that you have made a net contribution to global warming?
  4. I at least am careful to always provide a link to any new claim which I consider might be even remotely contentious. It's called being respectful and wishing to debate in good faith. You might also respect that moddies are constantly removing off topic posts. (like yours and this reply).
  5. Please. Your constant and unrelenting misogyny on this board is disgusting.
  6. I never made any claim that the she was casted for any specific reason. I countered the claim that a white woman should have been hired because Cleopatra was presumably white.
  7. None of them entirely live on their own resources so completely irrelevant to the discussion. Please spare us more of this pain.
  8. Her quote explicitly said that. She did not make the claim that Cleopatra was black or even imply it.
  9. Other actions by Trump support my contention that he was acting more as Putin's puppet than he was concerned about other countries underpaying. The attack by Russia convinced those countries to increase their spending without US influence as well.
  10. 100% of the warming of the Earth came from or comes from the sun. Increased CO2 only results in more of that heat being absorbed by the planet.
  11. OK, we'll talk about Biden. Biden has done a great deal to shore up NATO and reassure them that the US backs NATO and furthermore will support Ukraine against Russian aggression as long as it takes to defeat Russia. He has also make strong moves to supply Ukraine with advanced weaponry that it needs to repel Russia. Biden has not tried to blackmail Ukraine until they spring some dirt on Trump.
  12. Do you have a link to her claiming that Cleopatra was black? I again assert that her casting choice was about equal opportunity in the industry and nothing more.
  13. She lives entirely on her own salary as an uneducated woman without any financial help from anybody for anything? Before you arc up about my use of the word uneducated, most if not all Thai bar girls are uneducated and therefore have minimum wage job prospects.
  14. The article explicitly said and I quoted the relevant part that the Earth was nevertheless in a warming trend during that period and makes the point that the disparate periods of cooling were an aberration to that trend.
  15. The fuss is about the concept of separation of church and state. Do you not agree that religion should be kept away from government and state issues? They could easily (and do) teach that killing is wrong without reference to religion. It's a common delusion among the religious that religion is central to ethical living. It's a huge deal that the state is pushing religion into state schools.
  16. He was just leveling up the playing field. He was entitled to select any actress of any race for the part simply because it was irrelevant.
  17. I know. My response was in relation to this "Says a world about JB".
  18. Do I need to spell out the answer for you to be convinced? You're intent on deflection from the topic.
  19. In Australia's case most of those areas are likely to suffer more flooding so there's nowhere to go.
  20. Good, then we can agree that discussion about the sun is off topic for anthropomorphic climate change?
  21. And the kids in the back seat might actually survive.
  22. He at least tied the show to the topic of cross race actors. Therefore, on topic.
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