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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It's based on the number of unfilled positions on offer.
  2. Trump was right to criticize NATO nations for not meeting their obligations to spend 2% of their GDP on defense but I don't believe that's why he threatened to pull the US out of NATO. Far from it. That criticism was just a proxy excuse.
  3. The black and white minstrel show was not cancelled because white men played black men. I'm not surprised you're confused. Actually, I know you're not confused at all, you're trolling.
  4. I can't wait for the next launch. While there are no people on board it's very entertaining.
  5. The actual number was not relevant. Perhaps I should have said $5. My point is that the wages on offer are unlivable for urban Thais.
  6. Because her race is completely irrelevant to her life, so much so that her actual race is the subject of speculation. Are you suggesting that black actors should be confined to roles portraying known black people and white actors should be confined to portraying white people? Pandering to the black community? You have an unhealthy preoccupation with race issues.
  7. You really can't grasp that for some people, their entire lives and fame is about their race but not for others and that in those cases it's just incidental and therefore no impediment to casting as any color or race?
  8. My point is that any jobs on offer are at slave wages. My further point is that it really isn't a free choice decision.
  9. We just keep going round and round in circles. The climate deniers simply don't understand what rate of change means.
  10. A little off topic deflection there. Why should a US citizen married to a UK citizen still to US affairs? Or anybody for that matter. Pretty weak tea you're drinking there.
  11. They obviously don't in most cases considerign it's difficult to find a business in Pattaya at least without a help wanted sign out front. Rubbish, it's all about no minimum wage laws mandating a respectable wage and lack of social security. Please consider keeping your hegemony down to a dull roar.
  12. Is that your argument? The name of it supports your claim? Unbelievable. It does not say it was global. It does say it was intermittent, unlike the consistent increases in temperature directly linked to levels of CO2 in the atmosphere that we are experiencing right now. It doesn't even mention atmospheric CO2 levels which we absolutely know (with the help of 19th century physics) to be the cause of the current global warming. It further postulates that there was a period of increased volcanic activity which is likely to have been the cause.
  13. Are you suggesting that it's legal or even appropriate to kill any person who enters your property? How is that notion even remotely linked to stand your ground laws?
  14. I thought as much. This link actually contradicts the assertions you made. They were that it had global effect and was linked to sunspots. For these reasons the Little Ice Age, though synonymous with cold temperatures, can also be characterized broadly as a period when there was an increase in temperature and precipitation variability across many parts of the globe.
  15. If that was true Joe would have made him a special presidential advisor on the taxpayer's dime with no actual duties.
  16. He won't even win the GOP nomination. There's lots of others preparing to nominate now. They're just waiting for the next indictment.
  17. *Deleted post edited out* Could we stick to the topic unless you want to explain how your post is relevant to the topic please? It's just that you're baiting about social security right now and I don't want to be dragged into an off topic debate.
  18. My point is that the wages on offer don't allow them to get by, especially if they have a family upcountry to support. In fact, I'd suggest that's most of the girls working as prostitutes. Yes, there are some who simply choose to do that work for the extra money, just as there are in every developed country. I'm not denying that but the large numbers of women in Thailand working as prostitutes indicates that economics is the main issue. Common sense. Or are you suggesting there's something innate about Thais that steers them into prostitution which is absent in your own country?
  19. There's plenty of employment in Thailand. Would you work in your home country for $20 a day?
  20. That's not the same is it? Being black was the issue in Mandela's life. Being any color wasn't pertinent to Cleopatra's life.
  21. Curiously, in 43 years in Thailand and the Philippines I've never heard that in a bar. The term "urban myth" springs to mind.
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