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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. If you believe it's foolish put up a considered argument with evidence to support your opinion. Otherwise it's not me who is the fool. I already explained (with evidence) why all climate change in the past 200 years is man made.
  2. How very 1984 of you ???? Lucky you were born on the right side of the railway tracks wasn't it?
  3. Nothing to do with climate change or more CO2 in the air. You'll notice the greatest gains are in developed countries. Mostly due to more broad acre farming and mechanization.
  4. I think it depends on how old you are. When I was a high school kid in the 60's it was said that 4 billion would be the tipping point. ????
  5. I don't have a vehicle, I live where I can walk everywhere. I vote for politicians who vow to support action to combat climate change. I'd say that's far more effective than anything you're doing since you're intent on playing oneupmanship games with every poster who supports action against climate change.
  6. I first discovered the bucket and pail over 40 years ago on my first trip to Thailand and never used toilet paper in my home or Thailand since. The bum gun is a relatively newer invention.
  7. Very rare for me especially since som tum thai doesn't have the paddy crab. If Thai food ever sends me to the toilet it's only ever once and then things are back to normal.
  8. I have long ordered som tum without sugar, as I do with all Thai food. Sometimes they look at me strangely and say "we never put sugar in this dish". I just smile and say "good". Ordering som tum with out fish sauce is just as easy. I also order it with one chili, "neung met". The lady in my local som tum stand has always remembered that I like only one chili and no sugar ever since the first time I ever asked her and always repeats it to me. I do like larb gai very much.
  9. It will change before 2030. You sound like the guys who said cars will never replace horses.
  10. how are they making money or is that just some unfounded presumption? Surely not the old government grants canard again? You sheeple are really being led along by the nose by the rich fossil fuel companies who tell you not to believe your lying eyes. Not even do some research because the search engines are corrupt and the scientists all on the gravy train, lying to everyone. Kinda religious like, if you're not a believer you're going to hell and damnation.
  11. I'm not sure how fighting climate change does anything except cost money. The rich are the ones trying their hardest not to do anything. You know, like fossil fuel companies making record profits.
  12. We're going to crash into that tree anyway so why hit the brakes?
  13. I prefer "unplanned disassembly" news. Orwellian doublespeak has arrived.
  14. He hasn't actually done anything not already achieved by NASA 53 years ago.
  15. 3 engines were apparently out, this was visible in the video. Neither a success not a failure other than the unplanned loss of the main booster rocket.
  16. Most of Germany's energy comes from natural gas and renewables. Nuclear power is so bad that they are prepared to continue burning coal until they can completely replace it. There is no plan to stick to coal as an energy source. They have only decided to continue with coal for the time being because of the exigencies of the Russian problems. https://www.iea.org/policies/12392-germanys-renewables-energy-act
  17. Egged on by systemic racism from people who are supposed to be role models the hate wells up until the elderly and decrepit can no longer tell right from wrong.
  18. Idaho sheriff has a legal obligation to serve Ammon Bundy. He should uphold it https://news.yahoo.com/idaho-sheriff-legal-obligation-serve-180532984.html
  19. Again, you replied to a post by me and to me about nuclear power and somehow introduced coal into it to deflect from my point that "Germany proved this" that nuclear power was not needed. I hope you can grasp this because I don't intend to reply to posts about my response again.
  20. I was replying to a post about nuclear power. You are deflecting.
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