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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I'm struggling to figure out how conversation with massage ladies is any different to bar ladies.
  2. with live music and aircon? I mentioned the only one I can think of.
  3. It is possible. Simple precautions like wearing masks aren't hard or onerous. Most of the world's population have never had the virus.
  4. Racism is generally an artifact of the majority demographic in every country.
  5. It's relative. I grew up in the same latitude and therefore climate.
  6. Serious miscalculation here on your part. It's about Hunter's laptop. Read the article headline which I quoted.
  7. Research is useless without consensus and peer review. All worthwhile research has been peer reviewed without exception.
  8. 25 years ago it wasn't needed because the USSR collapsed. There was no longer a viable enemy and Russia was making friendly overtures. Pretty soon we will be back in the same place.
  9. It would be quite a lot colder. The evidence has been presented here on a number of occasions.
  10. Laptop Derangement Syndrome. Giuliani hints he could use Hunter Biden's laptop as defense in Dominion case Rudy Giuliani on Sunday continued to insist that the 2020 presidential election was "stolen" from former President Donald Trump despite a massive $787 settlement in Dominion's defamation case against Fox News. Instead of blaming Trump's election loss on voting machines, Giuliani focused on the theory that suppression of a story about Hunter Biden caused Trump to lose. https://www.rawstory.com/rudy-giuliani-stolen-election/
  11. How many cops were there on hand? Are they expected to catch all of them? Who would you pick to catch first? The Russians or the locals?
  12. What? This whole thread is only about skin color and nothing else. How is this deflecting?
  13. What are you talking about? The solutions are crystal clear and involve stopping burning of fossil fuels as much as practicable, reducing methane gas emissions and stopping deforestation. Every primary school kid knows this. Only climate change deniers seem to be confused and conflicted. Reducing population is the holocaust (final) solution.
  14. I was in Bangkok last week and noticed that most people were wearing masks everywhere.
  15. Right wingers love to bandy about the phrase color blind until it doesn't suit them anymore.
  16. There was no controversy except in the febrile minds of racists.
  17. Russia doesn't have advanced weaponry at its disposal. It only has nuclear and it's not going to use it.
  18. Because US presidents have no way to easily know if countries are in breach of NATO rules or not?
  19. You;re confusing adaption with evolution. There's no evidence that animals have ever adapted to climate change and the rate of extinction supports that. Animals and humans evolve but very slowly. Do you imagine that humans could evolve to withstand climate change? Or animals? There's no way, especially in the century or so we have left on Earth if we don't fix the problem. Nobody said total destruction in 50 years, they said widespread destruction of habitat. Wars over arable land, water and food.
  20. No, Russia has already made clear they won't negotiate a withdrawal that doesn't involve keeping occupied territory. Ukraine has made it clear that it wants all its territory back, including Crimea. Failure to send Ukraine advanced weaponry would only result in Russia winning, an intolerable outcome for the west. The onus on preventing ww3 lies entirely with Russia. The provocation argument is Russian propaganda.
  21. This topic is misnamed. It should be something like "Does religion play an important part in your life and why?". Which God is real, yours or mine?
  22. I can assure you I wouldn't. That was my point. ????
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