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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. What area is that? I'm not disputing you at all, just never heard the term used. My experience is that most normally encourage foreigners (or farangs lol) to take two bikes to help their mates out. I always think it strange to see two "foreigners" on a bike and when I do it's always Indians.
  2. Their motive was transparent. If they both wanted to go on the same bike they were looking to save a few satangs. Either that or the bike taxis were so busy they had no choice in which case one could hardly blame them for doing an user and jacking up the price. Whether this happened after the trip or whether they decided after the fact that it was too expensive isn't clear.
  3. As I said, I've never encountered it and I'm at a loss to understand how the "Win" can force two foreigners onto one bike. BTW, I've never heard them called that. Can you explain what it means?
  4. Yeah, I saw that when I read some articles. I initially assumed (foolish I know) that the poster I replied to wasn't trying to deceive. Here's another article worth readign https://ip-quarterly.com/en/russias-economic-self-destruction-and-its-conseuqences
  5. Then why didn't they get on two bikes? That question leapt out at me from the get go. It was a red flag that two male foreigners both wanted to get on the same bike. If they weren't farangs that was irrelevant so I didn't check.
  6. I did better than that. I asked our very own ChatGPT service using exactly your words and this is what it said: As far as I know, there are no schools in Florida that have mandatory drag-show attendance. However, some universities in Florida, such as the University of South Florida and Florida International University, offer drag shows as a part of their campus culture and entertainment events. These shows are usually optional and open to all students who wish to attend.
  7. All of them didn't want to use the meter. I just negotiate a price I think is fair and reasonable. Not the cheapest price I can force them to accept. The price was reasonable and in line with what is normally quoted., I've never been quoted less than 50 baht per person for me and a girl and two fat farangs during songkran at peak demand was eminently reasonable.
  8. Grab wouldn't deliver last night and I don't live in soi buakhao but they would have had to run the gauntlet to get here.
  9. 1. They never will. Demand for fossil fuels is waning. 2. Solar and wind among other possibilities.
  10. Russia’s Fake Gold Standard It’s unfortunate that markets were somewhat fooled https://medium.com/alpha-beta-blog/russias-fake-gold-standard-606da639033d Why Russia has put the rouble on a gold standard – but it’s unlikely to last https://theconversation.com/why-russia-has-put-the-rouble-on-a-gold-standard-but-its-unlikely-to-last-180632
  11. Tritium exposure through ingestion is likely to cause cancer.
  12. Nuclear power is the most dangerous by a long shot.
  13. try this https://seekingalpha.com/article/4501191-russia-gold-standard-what-means-gold-bitcoin
  14. Cancer, along with a billion other things that can kill you is invisible. Radiation is readily detectable so stop trolling.
  15. Right next to the diesel tank. It was in Texas after all.
  16. It's around $40 to $50. The cost of producing a single barrel of Brent crude oil came in at around $42 for Russian onshore projects, and $44 for offshore projects, IHS Markit estimated. That was more than twice the $17 per barrel production costs in Saudi Arabia — the cheapest in the world. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2019/11/12/russian-oil-production-most-expensive-world-saudi-aramco-ipo-a68132
  17. I wonder what these keeneo farangs did to upset him so much? I've never had a motorcycle taxi driver ever say anything except "kop koon krup". (Thank you).
  18. You just accused other countries of printing money so I blew up your argument for you and now you can only say "so what"? You're a ruzzian troll.
  19. Self sufficient. They have stopped manufacturing stuff, especially high end like cars, planes, computers, etc. Russia now depends entirely not only on the import of high-tech components for its defense sector, aviation, and automobile industries, as well as tele­com equipment, computers, smartphones and pharmaceuticals, but also the supply of uniforms for its troops, for example those that have been ordered recently from Turkey and North Korea. Russia’s recent path differs not only from that of China, but also those of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates who all opted for becoming diversified industrial and service economies deeply integrated into the global system. Russia was, and remains, a pure resource economy that the West might rely on, but is not dependent on. https://ip-quarterly.com/en/russias-economic-self-destruction-and-its-conseuqences
  20. Because Russia isn't printing money? https://tradingeconomics.com/russia/money-supply-m2
  21. Which country with money would loan it to Russia?
  22. Yeah, no danger at all with the nuclear power stations at Zaphorista and Japan aren't perturbed at all that most of their nuclear power station remain offline while they dump megalitres fo radioactive waste water into the sea. Nuclear power plants are fine.
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