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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Why would the Libruls cry when none of their own have been indicted but their opponents are in deep doodoo?
  2. Garbage like this? In Fox Corporation's view, it doesn't matter what Rupert Murdoch does or doesn't think about what goes on at Fox News, because he doesn't exercise granular editorial control at Fox News. Fox Corporation shouldn't be involved in Dominion's lawsuit at all, the company argues. Under ordinary corporate law and Supreme Court precedent stemming from New York Times v. Sullivan — the granddaddy of libel law in the US — a parent company isn't automatically liable for the companies underneath it. "The assumption has always been that it has to be the creator of the story who must know that it is false in order to support a judgment under the Sullivan standard," Frederick Schauer, a First Amendment scholar and a professor at the University of Virginia School of Law, told Insider. https://www.businessinsider.nl/rupert-murdoch-testified-that-fox-news-hosts-lied-about-the-2020-election-heres-why-it-wasnt-a-misstep/
  3. If you truly believed that you'd be able to provide a link showing the better ways than the climate scientists are recommending.
  4. He forgot ngoo, a snake. A Ngo is also a rambutan, same word as idiot.
  5. The largest companies in Australia are banks or mining. How do any of those pack up and leave?
  6. If you want to argue then please provide scientific evidence of your claim. You are wrong, here are the facts. You probably don't like it but that's how it is. It is important to know that being non-binary is completely normal! It is neither “new” nor a choice. There is evidence of a greater gender spectrum dating back thousands of years. https://www.sutterhealth.org/health/sexual-health-relationships/non-binary
  7. The mental state is determined by genetics, one does not choose to be gay. Gender is not binary. This has been pointed out to you before but you prefer to continue to live in ignorance of the science and worse, continue to project that intolerance onto others. You also have a history of posting highly misogynistic comments.
  8. Before you misunderstood and still misunderstand what woke is? Is popularity a measure of acceptability for books? Many of the books DeSantis wants banned are wildly popular and some were on my compulsory reading list in English at high school in the 60's. So, by your logic, you'd disagree with DeSantis that they should be banned?
  9. Nobody but nobody is pushing sexuality on very young children.At the age that it is appropriate for them to understand the difference between men and women it is also appropriate for them to understand that not everyone is a man or a woman. Failure to accept that sexuality is not binary is sheer ignorance.
  10. That's what was implied in the post I quoted. I do agree with you. I guess you don't do sarcasm?
  11. 1. I didn't make that claim but I do endorse it. 2. Only countries with major fossil fuel industries have significant numbers of denialists. 3. Here's a link from the Union of Concerned Scientists which iimplies that fossil fuel companies have not changed their tune. https://blog.ucsusa.org/delta-merner/big-oils-denial-and-delay-is-endangering-our-future/ Stop flogging that horse, it's dead, Jim. You imply that fossil fuel companies have stopped with the propaganda, is that true?
  12. Plenty of Australians have never paid tax for a variety of reasons which aren't their fault, such as disabilities or being indigenous, being just two examples. A civilised society should nevertheless provide for their old age anyway. If it requires the ATO to require the largest 300 or so companies to actually pay some tax, so be it.
  13. I don't need to link to an example of garbage propaganda to establish the unrefutable fact that the fossil fuel companies have been engaging in promoting such propaganda, which is my claim. You clearly haven't bothered to read the links which are replete with examples. I expect nothing less from climate change deniers.
  14. Democrats really, really want Trump to win the GOP nomination which is highly likely even if he's indicted.
  15. The danger of any person compromised by Putin gaining power in the US or any other allied country is palpable.
  16. They proved the existence and use of such propaganda
  17. I just provided 4 links to prove my claim. What are you talking about?
  18. The language of this forum is English and nowhere will you find a definition of woke to support what you claim it means. Your use of the word is as an epithet, nothing more. In fact the dictionary definition of the word is precisely the opposite of what you claim it to mean.
  19. The truth is that 100% of sexuality is determined by genetics and nothing will transform a straight person into a gay person. Banning books achieves nothing other than promoting ignorance, unless the book advocates violence. And calling gays an abomination against God is advocating violence.
  20. Almost 2 years old, unrelated to nuclear weapons. Here's something a little more contemporary. Biden administration imposes new sanctions on those involved in evading Iran sanctions https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/29/politics/iran-sanctions-biden/index.html
  21. Promote is a pretty big word. Don't you mean "explain"?
  22. Because Cohen had no idea that Trump didn't want his NDA with Daniels settled and they never discussed it? What about Trump Jr who signed the check?
  23. Does it not matter that the war threatens Ukraine sovereignty? It doesn't threaten NATO because , well NATO. Ukraine will soon be a NATO country. Finland and Sweden wouldn't join NATO if they didn't believe they were threatened. They were against it before the war.
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