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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. We'll see what happens next week. The very muted response to his calls for violent civil war to protect his lard derriere is a sign that the useful idiots are losing their usefulness.
  2. Avo definitely, pity it's usually expensive in Thailand, dirt cheap in oz. The jury seems to be out about the cheese. I have seen various claims on YT that dairy is bad for prostate enlargement. While YT is not a credible source, it's enough for me to stop eating it. Anything in dairy can be replaced with plant based nutrition. Zinc is the main area of concern for vegans.
  3. Not any more, IF is now mainstream. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-22/whats-this-longevity-diet-will-make-you-live-longer/101463260
  4. I'm no expert but was diagnosed with fatty liver syndrome a couple of years ago. I had assumed it was because I ate too much fatty food but since discovered it's all about sugar. I used to be a huge milk drinker but discovered that milk contains a lot of sugar after digestion. Now I fast most days for 16 to 60 hours, average 18 hours, water only or black coffee. I used to urinate many times a day but now can drink several beers occasionally without urination. Basically, I knew where every public urinal was in Pattaya. The hardest part was learning to like coffee but now it's not too bad as long as the coffee is decent. I sometimes drink cappuccino in starbucks with almond or soy milk. I don't touch dairy anymore. Dairy is also implicated in prostate BPH. I also lift weights in the gym most days for an hour or so, trying to up my aerobic exercise more. I go to the gym before eating, towards the end of my fast. At 68, I'm not into body building, just want the HiiT training. I joined the gym a couple of months ago, best investment ever. I never was any kind of gym rat, only walked a lot which was just not enough. I've cleaned up my diet a lot, no more red meat, mostly miditerranean diet. I do eat fruit still but try to limit it. I used to eat a lot of white rice but now very little. Also very little bread except for some whole grain, about a loaf a month. The only place I have found it is in tops supermarket in central festival mall in Pattaya but it's only there occasionally. I now weigh 71 Kg, down from 73 a few months ago, 173 cm tall. My pot gut hasn't discernably reduced at all.
  5. When I was 19, I was a public servant in personnel and I read a report that clerical staff had a life expectancy of 65 years and 10 months. That was 1974.
  6. Ya really think that was it? Honestly? Maybe just not taking the bait?
  7. Yeah, nah. I don't see the abject ridicule that these imbeciles attract. I forgot to mention the traitor Gosar. Got any democrats like these scum in mind? The House on Wednesday passed a bill that would direct President Biden to prepare a report on the government’s efforts to collect and examine evidence related to war crimes and other atrocities committed during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. GOP Reps. Andy Biggs (Ariz.), Warren Davidson (Ohio), Paul Gosar (Ariz.), Marjorie Taylor Greene (Ga.), Thomas Massie (Ky.) and Scott Perry (Pa.) all opposed the bill. GOP operative convicted of funneling Russian donation to Trump’s 2016 campaign https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/18/gop-operative-convicted-of-funneling-russian-donation-to-trumps-2016-campaign-.html
  8. I couldn't stop laughing at this. Sarah Palin’s Libel Claim Against The Times Is Rejected by a Jury https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/15/business/media/new-york-times.html Scott Stringer Sues for Defamation Over Sexual Assault Claim https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/12/nyregion/scott-stringer-sues-jean-kim.html Trump Sues CNN for Defamation, Seeking $475 Million https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/03/business/media/trump-cnn-lawsuit.html The company is seeking unspecified fees spent fending off a 2020 lawsuit by Peter Brimelow, according to the company's lawsuit, which was filed on Tuesday. Brimelow had sued the company over five articles published between January 2019 and May 2020 that described him as being "white nationalist" and his VDARE.com website as being "animated by race hatred." https://www.reuters.com/business/media-telecom/ny-times-fires-back-defamation-plaintiff-with-anti-slapp-lawsuit-2022-04-15/ Trump 2020 Campaign Suit Against Washington Post Dismissed Judge said suit failed to meet legal standards for defamation https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-02-03/trump-2020-campaign-suit-against-washington-post-is-dismissed?leadSource=uverify wall
  9. Yeah, but I named a notable person who was at least sympathetic to republican issues ands generally apolitical. You just come back with "innumerable people". Got somebody mostly unbiased and credible in mind? Meantime, Russia hasn't won in Ukraine yet, jobs are holding up really well and the stock market hasn't crashed yet and inflation is going down.. Then there are Hawley, Boebert, Taylor-Greene, Gaetz, Jordan, Cruz, Palin... I could go on. You just don't get that kind of dumb as a box of rocks detritus on the left.
  10. Then why not just use the word "left" instead of a word which means something "to you" but doesn't fit any dictionary definition?
  11. I'm not buying gold as an inflationary hedge. I know it doesn't do that. I'm buying it because gold always rises in a recession when the USD falls.
  12. Tillerson said he couldn't believe how dumb and uneducated Trump was when he worked for him.
  13. The bank is going to borrow 54 billion from the Swiss central bank I believe. That's why the market rallied in the last couple of hours yesterday. Today is another day. I bought about 4K USD worth of gold ETF yesterday about two seconds before that news and gold dropped a lot. It's back to $1920 now. It'll probably dump but I will keep it from here.
  14. Gold will either dump a bit here with the stock market (likely) or will continue up generally from here. Either way it will be much more than it is now by year's end unless we have a very unlikely soft landing in the US in the next 2 or 3 months.
  15. Philippines has just given the US the go ahead to build a large navy base in the north, close to Taiwan.
  16. Do you eat red meat? Zinc is plentiful in red meat but not so much in other foods. If you don't eat any red meat then you need to plan carefully to get enough zinc or take a supplement. If you supplement zinc then you should also supplement copper as I read that zinc supplements can inhibit copper uptake.
  17. What Flannery said was that there'd be more droughts and floods. This has proved to be true and what he said about droughts and dams was correct. The advice to build desalination plants is sound. There are other reasons for this policy being sound and that it national security. It's not beyond the realm of possibilities that deranged nutcase affiliated with or in adulation of some anti government organisation might poison a dam or two. It's always good policy to have diverse supplies of water.
  18. I'd be surprised if he couldn't sue. I doubt very much that the queen explicitly excluded him from her will. Even if she did, it wouldn't stand a court challenge anyway. Andrew is entitled to as much of that inheritance as Charles is. Surely it could never be true that she wanted Andrew to be destitute? I would bet London to a brick that Andrew could successfully sue for his share. The family law court is about fairness and will readily set aside a will to get that.
  19. He will be asked unlimited and unrestricted questions. He could answer fully and truthfully or he could plead the fifth. Therein lies the reason he was invited, not subpoenaed. If he were to plead the fifth before the grand jury it might complicate things in a trial.
  20. Perhaps they'd like to preserve the architecture and structure of a historic building. Even drilling a hole in that building would need a written submission. It isn't some recent concrete monstrosity that you could take a excavator to and upgrade part of. We dream of a day when insurrectionists didn't have an idiot following and such protection wasn't necessary. Those structural upgrades to the building were designed to stop bombs, not mobs.
  21. That argument is still very much a detraction from the real problem here. A bank shouldn't need to have a safe but they all do.
  22. The nuclear codes should be entirely in the hands of the military and they should be free of any political appointees.
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