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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Show where left wing politicians hand out huge tax breaks and claim they trickle down to the poor.
  2. They use those tax breaks to donate to politicians who give them tax breaks
  3. Do you imagine that a tax break of 2.5 billion, mainly for the rich was not highly inflationary? Interest rates held too high for too long were a contributor for sure - nothing to do with the government. The fact that high inflation is world wide demonstrates beyond doubt that it's not a US domestic issue.
  4. Me? You defended the need to have the ten commandments posted on every classroom wall in order to attack minorities, instill hatred and imply that they were necessary to leading a wholesome life. Would you be just as enthusiastic of some Koranic verse was painted on every classroom wall? You must answer this truthfully before I will continue this conversation.
  5. No, it should be double. There are aggravating circumstances as he had the wherewithal to get decent qualified legal and accounting advice. He needs to be made an example of to cement faith in the rule of law and demonstrate that no man is above the law. This principle applies when a policeman or lawyer commits a crime, it's automatically an aggravated offense in many cases.
  6. On the contrary, you loudly imply that religious people lead happy and wholesome lives as if others don't. To the contrary, the religious christian nationalists are the most hateful, bigoted, racist and unhappy people in America right now. I can't speak for other religions as I don't know enough about them. Project all you like, I'm not envious of religious nut jobs. I lead a fulsome and happy life.
  7. So should Trump's appointees on the supreme court. I didn't notice you complaining that they didn't.
  8. Wow, here you are lecturing others on producing links. I'm flabbergasted. Can I remind you of this every time you fail to do that? Oh wait, I already have, dozens of times.
  9. Maybe because he couldn't be prosecuted for 4 of those years and it takes time to build a case. Most of the time was involved in the witnesses making the decision to squeal once their gravy train had come to a halt. The dems are definitely not afraid of Trump running, the last elections proved that emphatically.
  10. They died long before your current age on average as you must know. That wasn't because of faith.
  11. The amount people eat is bounded by their appetite and the weight they put on is influenced by their carb intake versus the amount of calories they burn. A fat person eating only one cup of rice and a slice a bread with sugar on top ever day will definitely not lose weight and will definitely become insulin resistant or diabetic. Reducing carbs is not a "best ever diet" it's the best ever diet. Specifically a Mediterranean diet with low, not no carbs.
  12. Again, it's not about the number. It's about their position within the church and the church's reaction to the allegations and convictions as an institution. I wouldn't be so vehement if it was just a small number of individuals. You are just attempting to downplay the problem. Suggesting that science is "nebulous" and hasn't found the answers while accusing them of only conducting science for the money is preposterous. You are just insulting people's intelligence here. Go proselytize somewhere else.
  13. “Pundits have been speculating that Trump would be charged with lying about the hush money payments to illegally affect an election, and that theory rests on controversial legal issues and could be hard to prove,” Roiphe told The Times. “It turns out the indictment also includes a claim that Trump falsified records to commit a state tax crime. …That’s a much simpler charge that avoids the potential pitfalls.” https://www.rawstory.com/this-surprise-allegation-could-spell-trouble-for-trump-heres-why/
  14. It isn't a small minority when the sin reaches the highest echelons. As for the Thais, as you rightly pointed out, they have a secular government. Exactly my point. We want religion out of government. But for science you wouldn't be alive.
  15. Wait. Wasn't Mandela jailed for decades? And Jesus was executed? Nice comparison.
  16. If you are overweight you can't lose weight without cutting carbs or upping the exercise rate dramatically or both. Losing weight reduces insulin resistance and improves health. Simples.
  17. I guess Cardinal Pell and his friends were committed religious people? I prefer to rely on scientific explanations for everything. One is the human mind and the other is mindlessness.
  18. I thought the damage to election credibility was plain. I haven't read what Bragg said, nor do I care. I care only about the jury verdict. If he's innocent, all well and good. All I care about is democratic integrity. Imagine if people could get elected with the help of deceit, it would be a travesty.
  19. Religion is a scourge against civilisation. History shows that. The ten commandments are far from necessary to teach people to lead a wholesome life. An actual quality education will always do that, regardless of the presence of religion or the ten commandments in particular. The behaviour of many churches, especially the SBC, demonstrate that the ten commandments on the wall means nothing at all.
  20. A CNN poll shows 60% of Americans approve of Trump's indictment. I smell toast.
  21. Yep, world wide. I assume you're not aware of that? If so how is it a product of or relevant to American politics? Here's a hint: Federal banks determine fiscal policy, not politicians.
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