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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Unless she is investigated for breaking laws by the DoJ or state AG she is good to go. Politics don't count.
  2. Backed up by an anonymous quote? I'll take notice when a grand jury starts issuing subpoenas.
  3. Self evidently not true. Biden won by 8 million votes and attracted a record number of votes. Trump got trashed in that election.
  4. He's 4 years older than his rival. That's not huge. He rides a bicycle daily. He rival rides a golf cart and looks like he's one big mac and a diet coke away from a heart attack. He nearly died of covid when he had it. Biden beat Trump very, very handsomely in the last election. Trump's backers have largely evaporated and he's gotten boring. The chance that Trump beats Biden in 2024 is near zero. Trump wouldn't stand any chance if the Dems stand a younger and more dynamic candidate. Furthermore, Trump supports Putin. Game over.
  5. Anything your body can turn into glucose contains sugar.
  6. All of them are biased but the facts do show that Fox lies more than other MSM. This thread shows that's true when the perps actually admit it. Carlson had to explain to a court that rational people should never believe him.
  7. So his doc is lying? I understand you may have reason to disbelieve presidential doctors but are you accusing this one of lying?
  8. That Dems are watching Fox news in no way means they are endorsing the message there. Otherwise they would not be democrats would they? I read Fox News but there's no way I endorse or believe their view points. It's only the right who don't read outside the echo chamber.
  9. MSNBC attracts more viewers than CNN so that's a distortion by omission. How come universities are left leaning? As are most white collar workers as opposed to non college educated people who lean right? Sure, the intelligentsia lean right, LOL.
  10. Well, who wouldn't threaten to sue? He's got money and facing life in jail. He's got nothing better to spend his money on at this point.
  11. People get things wrong and get confused at any age. It's not a hanging offense. It's only poor form when it's deliberate. Trump confused his first wife for his accused rape victim in a law court. Is Trump senile? You imply Biden is.
  12. So, if a doctor says he's healthy and fit then it's true, right? Otherwise Biden would be complicit in a lie by endorsing public statements about his health.
  13. I agree with him. It's Orwellian double speak. They use epithets instead of explaining their case. How about you try explaining yours? It's far from ridiculous. The culture wars are all about not having a political agenda they can espouse in public.
  14. Curious that people acknowledge that Fox hosts are lying and yet still support them and cite their popularity as a basis for credibility. I was brought up believing that truth was a virtue and lies were to be shunned. It seems many are quite happy with lies as long as it supports their twisted world view.
  15. Biden isn't lying about his health or medical fitness.
  16. Yes they will. They disappeared before and they will again. And it wasn't due to covid. The rouble crashed.
  17. So you're admitting the premise of the thread? That Fox is dishonest? We understand that Fox news is popular, that's not in dispute. It doesn't make them honorable and Maddow is OFF TOPIC here.
  18. Yes, a public defender will be appointed in a criminal trial. If it's a civil trial it will proceed with or without a lawyer.
  19. Trump aced his and he has perfect genes. His doctor said so.
  20. Fox news corporate mantra used to be "Fair and Balanced". They had to drop that some years ago.
  21. As a journalist, her job is to repeat what newsworthy experts said on any topic. That's what she did and she was scientifically justified in saying what she did at the time. Are the vax skeptics on Fox News doctors and epidemiologists? They were obvious being led along by their handlers even though they now says they never believed the BS. At least Maddow had reason to say what she did. Hannity and Carlson never did.
  22. No it could not. Fox are willfully playing their audience for profit. That was before omicron when vaccines worked against infection. She was justified in saying that at the time. We already have.
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