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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. He is. No country should reject foreign policy involvement. America fought to keep Europe free from invaders in WW2 and this war continues that proud tradition.
  2. LOL, the OP is about Fox news being deliberately dishonest yet you quote them as a credible source. I can't stop laughing. Keeping the fox away from the hens (the accused off the committee) is protecting the integrity of the committee. Just like a judge needs to recuse himself from a case he's involved in.
  3. I still have a bill for $2500 for quarantine in my own country. No argument there from me.
  4. Greene blasted for 'parroting Kremlin talking points' after Biden visits Kyiv https://www.rawstory.com/greene-blasted-for-parroting-kremlin-talking-points-after-biden-visits-kyiv/
  5. The charges were high but I believe the hotels were just passing on their hospital costs which can be very high. Off site medical services aren't cheap anywhere. That said, Marburg can't be compared to covid and quarantine would be in a hospital infectious ward.
  6. That's because they were implicated in the crime that was being investigated. It would have been insane to allow them to be on that committee.
  7. The article doesn't suggest that he banged 4,000 girls. What's wrong with your reading comprehension skills?
  8. No, it takes a doctor. You could easily test the hypothesis but prefer to cling to your conspiracy theory.
  9. Ebola and Marburg have a very high fatality rate and the reason they have a slim chance of spreading globally is that the medical community are right on them. They are also less contagious than the flue albeit much more deadly. I would sincerely hope that anyone who tests for Marburg or Ebola is immediately quarantined and also anyone who came into contact with them. Of course it goes without saying that they would be.
  10. This is what's known as a logical non sequitur. If it's not a problem when he's not at school have you tested your theory at home by requiring him to wear a mask and monitoring him for symptoms?
  11. Are you suggesting they just ignore other viruses and that big pharma don't bother to make vaccines for them? Or that government don't recommend use of those vaccines?
  12. Most of it is public anyway. You didn't address my point about the court case and house ethics. Furthermore, why only Fox?
  13. That would make sense and in no way violates the NATO direct involvement in the war policy.
  14. The British are training Ukrainian F16 pilots and Germany is training Ukrainian Leopard tank crews as we speak. source: links previously posted in other threads.
  15. They just scaled it up. The hornby was probably a 1:32, this is 1:1.
  16. If the US did it, which I doubt, then good. It achieves two worthwhile purposes. One it stops Russian income from sales and secondly it reduces fossil fuel burning. win win!
  17. Most offices still have white boards. Even software devs use them. I'm one of them.
  18. I hope you took him to a doctor. There's no evidence that masks can cause such a thing. Perhaps it may be air pollution which is why the authorities are now again suggesting wearing masks. Personally I think you are just spreading anti mask conspiracy theories.
  19. So they'll invent another virus to pad their bank accounts? Is that what you mean? Otherwise I'm at a loss to understand your post. All these vaccine skeptic conspiracy theories are beyond tiresome.
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