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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. How Republicans Are Echoing Climate Change Conspiracy Theories They are increasingly embracing political rhetoric echoing conspiracy theories that global warming is a hoax by world leaders designed to subdue or impoverish their populations. Largely—but not exclusively—confined to the right of the Republican Party in national politics, this kind of language centers on several key themes, such as the so-called "new world order," "globalist politicians," and "government control." One assertion is that concerns about climate change and policies aimed to curb it are part of a global agenda designed to control people's choices and limit their freedom. https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-echo-climate-change-conspiracy-theories-1779865
  2. Everything Trump says or does is about Trump. He also blamed her for combined losses of more than £15.4million at his Scottish golf courses, which Mr Trump touts to be 'the greatest golf properties in the world.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11755713/Trump-dances-Sturgeons-political-grave-insists-Scotland-better-without-her.html
  3. Was Trump hiding his medical condition from the public reprehensible? Fetterman has done the opposite, that's how you know he's being treated for depression. One American president hid the fact that he had polio for years.
  4. Russia's inflation rate is higher than any western country. https://www.statbureau.org/en/russia/inflation#:~:text=Monthly inflation rate in Russia was 0.84% in,and year over year inflation rate is 11.76%.
  5. The vaccine turned me into a newt. But I got better.
  6. Just goes to show how abjectly bad his opposition was. Dr Oz, lol.
  7. The names are redacted in order to prevent issues arising out a prosecution. The prosecutor went to court to prevent publication of their names. Indictments are "imminent".
  8. Thailand's GDP was only ever higher in 2019 before covid and is now higher than any year before or since that year. https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/gdp#:~:text=GDP in Thailand is expected to reach 521.16,Billion in 2024, according to our econometric models.
  9. Trump will go down as the worst president in history. He was impeached twice and lost a reelection as well as saw the GOP trashed in 3 elections. He idn't get the popular vote in the one election he did win despite colluding with Russia and only won because he got a leg up from the FBI director. He will also be indicted soon. The Georgia grand jury has recommended charges. Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney largely sided with Willis, determining that only the introduction and conclusion of the report should be released, along with one section discussing potential perjury that did not name any witnesses who appeared before the grand jury. “A majority of the witnesses believes that perjury may have been committed by one or more witnesses testifying before it. The Grand Jury recommends that the District Attorney seeks appropriate indictments for such crimes where the evidence is compelling,” the report states. https://thehill.com/homenews/3861369-georgia-grand-jury-in-trump-interference-probe-found-no-fraud-in-2020-election/
  10. Yes, he fell in love with Kim Jong Un and never has a bad word to say about Putin..
  11. The thread is more about Trump than Sturgeon. We understand you're sensitive about people dumping on Trump but it is what it is.
  12. If it was just an out of control weather balloon why would the Chinese care if the US shot it down? It was already lost to them regardless.
  13. If Russia controls Crimea it controls sea traffic to the port of Odessa so it's critical that Ukraine take it back.
  14. Tonight up near terminal 21 there is a ladyboy show and there were dozens of buses and hundreds of Chinese in tour groups.
  15. He has a history of going after women because he's weak but you are right, this is about Sturgeon criticising him and questioning where he got the money for Turnberry. .
  16. This is what should happen to these scum. Execution is too good for them. I remember a while ago a story about a murderer who raped and burned a young girl and buried her alive. He died in jail decades later of anal cancer caused by HPV. A fitting end.
  17. He doesn't "acknowledge" the red line. He's saying Putin will go all nut job and take the ship with him rather than go down alone which is what would happen if Ukraine took back Crimea.
  18. The whole right wing shtick is just code words and dog whistles because they can't say the quiet part out loud.
  19. The joke is that all the conspiracy theory fools think nobody else is doing any research.
  20. Prove it. They aren't fudging hospitalisations. That's crazy talk.
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