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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That same old tired canard. Unless YOU are carbon negative you're a hypocrite. Yawn. What I do is vote for politicians who are going to force change.
  2. Newer battery chargers can jump start a car. https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/best-portable-jump-starter/
  3. He knew enough to say he was. Or at least his advisors told him to say that. Along with draining the swamp. and I'm rich, I can fund my own campaign and Mexico will pay for the wall. Tell them what they want to hear and they will lap it up.
  4. I guess you don't know that the ex PM in Oz was a far right Christian zealot who loved Trump. Just spouting hot air without knowing jack...
  5. You've got this anti woke thing going on strong ????
  6. I like Enjoy hairdressers, on soi Buakhao, very close to Pattaya Klang (central road). 150 baht. They have a mixture of male and females and I don't see much staff turnover.
  7. The difference is that not every country manufactures refrigeration compressors and not freon so it was possible for the rich countries to easily change. Fossil fuels are a harder problem.
  8. He gave the game away. It's about their phobia of climate change needing global cooperation. Hence the disparaging reference to "global leaders". As if they were a thing.
  9. It's about the farmers rejoicing because a left wing pollie is pulling the pin.
  10. Raising public awareness of the problem is necessary work. Funny how the 1st amendment fans want to shut her down.
  11. Because they like that not one river in NZ is fit to drink from? But behind New Zealand’s clean and green image is a dirty truth — its freshwater rivers are among the most polluted in the developed world. Last year, a government report found nearly 60 per cent of the country’s rivers carry pollution above acceptable levels, with 95 to 99 per cent of rivers in pastoral, urban and non-native forested areas contaminated. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-03-16/new-zealand-rivers-pollution-100-per-cent-pure/13236174
  12. Both High intensity interval exercise and aerobic is best.
  13. After all this time you don't know what that is or are you just trolling as I suspect?
  14. There are two possible reasons for not liking Gret Thunberg. Climate denialism and misogyny.
  15. It would be difficult to find less healthy food than Marmite and chip butties. I remember milk being delivered in bottles by horse and cart in the Sydney CBD in 1974.
  16. How are the northern and southern regions cold and the middle hot on a flat earth?
  17. It doesn't diminish her message one iota. Climate change is the problem, not her antics. She can stage stunts all she likes for all I care. The lies of the climate change deniers are the real problem.
  18. A fact is something that can be proven true. It is irrelevant how many people agree on it. Or disagree.
  19. Christian nationalism is why. Just like political parties they put power before ethics.
  20. It's hilarious that we have no choice because governments subsidize fossil fuels.
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