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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. This type of legislation is just red meat for the base. It will be buried 5 minutes after the next election.
  2. There are several main problems for using hydrogen as fuel for cars as I understand it. The commercially viable applications I have read about involve heavy vehicles which travel on predefined routes like highways. Hydrogen pipelines can be installed along highways where interstate trucks travel. Not so much fanned out suburbs like cars use. Other issues are that hydrogen tanks must be very strong and made of very high grade steel as hydrogen leaks through steel so can't be stored for long, especially in small tanks. Another issue is that if hydrogen leaks in a filling station it will become a fire hazard, more so than petrol. https://graphmatech.com/reducing-hydrogen-gas-leakage-from-pipes-and-storage-vessels-by-more-than-40-using-graphene/
  3. They'll probably have to go back to riding hosses. I guess that will help the environment.
  4. They don't need to and in any case the barrel could be plugged or otherwise disabled.
  5. Same old tripe. You ignore the tax burden which has been pointed out to you. The rich pay a far lower tax burden than the middle class as a percentage of their income. Is that fair? Source already linked in response to a previous similar post by you.
  6. I'm not sure where they are going to get a new ICE vehicle in 2035. Let alone pay the price of gasoline by that time. It will be taxed to the max.
  7. I don't understand why it was a real gun. It's not like they couldn't edit in gunshots.
  8. No explanation or link to what your throwaway line actually means?
  9. It's not ideology. It could be more accurately described as education. Higher levels of education are closely associated with "woke" attitudes. Ever wondered why universites tend to be liberal?
  10. That's because they want to deal with economic inequality rather than handing the rich ever larger tax breaks.
  11. Would better things include dealing with the damaging effects of climate change which are estimated to be many times more than preventing it as time goes by? https://www.ucl.ac.uk/news/2021/sep/economic-cost-climate-change-could-be-six-times-higher-previously-thought Climate dollars and sense – preventing global warming is the cheap option https://www.theguardian.com/environment/climate-consensus-97-per-cent/2014/apr/22/preventing-global-warming-cheaper-than-adapting
  12. Then you don't need to tell people to leave it there, right? ????
  13. Supreme Court probe was an investigation that never wanted an outcome The investigation focused on Court personnel — temporary (law clerks) and permanent employees — who had or may have had access to the draft opinion during the period from the initial circulation until the publication by Politico," the findings say. Legal experts believe this means that the justices were not questioned or investigated and no investigation was done with personal information. https://www.rawstory.com/supreme-court-never-wanted-investigation/?traffic_source=Connatix
  14. Supreme Court Report Sparks Suspicions About Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito On Thursday, the Supreme Court released an unsigned statement concluding that it was unable to determine the identity of the individual responsible for the leak or provide an explanation as to how the draft ended up in the hands of Politico. But while the court was unable to find the person behind the leak that rocked Washington, Twitter users questioned whether some of the more conservative justices were investigated in the inquiry. "They definitely did not interview the justice that leaked this," journalist Sydney Bauer tweeted on Thursday. https://www.newsweek.com/supreme-court-report-sparks-suspicions-about-clarence-thomas-samuel-alito-1775144
  15. Hero of the right wing, Alan Dershowitz doesn't think he should be charged. https://www.newsweek.com/why-charging-alec-baldwin-manslaughter-wrong-opinion-1775163
  16. I'm reminded of Martin Luthor King by this comment.
  17. On top of a busy legislative program, Shaw said, Ardern had needed to steer the country through a series of crises, including a mass-shooting at two Christchurch mosques that left 51 people dead, a volcanic eruption that killed 22, and the coronavirus pandemic. On top of that, Ardern also bore the brunt of a growing number of threats, Shaw said, and a toxic, misogynistic online culture that had grown worse in recent years. https://apnews.com/article/politics-jacinda-ardern-new-zealand-covid-d4f8f8a6d7a81b2247909e17dc38a9f9?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_04
  18. So nobody should criticize the US because they need them?
  19. That's been repeatedly pointed out to them but they continue with the false talking points without any links to evidence to support their assertions. It's like talking to a brick wall. If the secret service protect ex presidents, when that person travels do they continue to protect his property back at home?
  20. Yep, in the 80's they were all 2 stroke. In those days tuk tuks were everywhere in Bangkok. Taxis were far fewer. Given that most rides involve one or two passengers, tuk tuks make far more sense. I miss them as a reminder of the old days.
  21. Judge slaps down Peter Navarro’s attempt to dismiss contempt of Congress case “Defendant has failed to come forward with any evidence to support the claimed assertion of privilege. And, because the claimed assertion of executive privilege is unproven, Defendant cannot avoid prosecution for contempt,” Mehta wrote. https://www.rawstory.com/peter-navarro-denied-executive-privilege/
  22. I'm sorry for the loss of your son while serving his country. I'm sure you feel proud of him and justly so.
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