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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. We don't know what his actual mindset is but we do know that he's prepared to speak to the lowest common denominator for political advantage. Just like Trump.
  2. The DoJ (including the special counsel) will just stonewall the GOP fishing expeditions so this will go nowhere.
  3. More of that conservative ethic that UK ministers have that the rules don't apply to them.
  4. So you advocate having nothing about black people? They are more intrinsically tied to American history despite being less numerous than Latinos. And that's the whole point. The history of systemic racism in the US must be taught if there's to be any reconciliation.
  5. @rickudon You farm fish. I read that small scale Thai fish farmers will hang chickens above the pond in baskets so the fish eat what they sh!t.
  6. He withdrew his suit against Letitia James after the judge warned him it was "borderline frivolous". The hip pocket nerve is the only thing he understands and now that he's running for prez the GOP aren't footing his legal bills anymore. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-lawsuit-letitia-james-2659286933/
  7. More weapons will solve this. Russia can't be trusted to talk. They promised peace in exchange for Ukraine giving up nuclear weapons. They lied. They said they weren't going to invade. They lied. Russia's economy is under severe stress and the effect of the sanctions won't truly be felt until later this year. Now is the time to fight because Russia can't quickly regroup and collect more weapons. Russia is finished as a world power for generations. Until they get rid of Putin or send him to The Hague they will never escape sanctions. https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/infographics/impact-sanctions-russian-economy/ https://carnegieendowment.org/politika/88664 The literature suggests that a wider coalition of sanctioning countries could substantially increase the costs of sanctions for Russia. The impact of the sanctions is expected to increase gradually and darken Russia’s economic outlook for years to come. But while sanctions are an important tool to restrict Russia’s possibilities to continue the war, other measures are also needed. https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/war-and-sanctions-effects-russian-economy
  8. NC Marine, 2 others were on active duty when they broke into the Capitol on Jan. 6, FBI says A Marine stationed at Camp Lejeune has become the latest North Carolina resident charged in connection with the riot at the U.S. Capitol — and the first to be on active military duty at the time he committed his alleged crime. https://nordot.app/989255484979511296?c=592622757532812385
  9. Cane toads are wiping out Australia's wildlife. Where I come from it's rare to see a goanna, any kind of lizard or snake anymore. They even evolved recently to be able to run on 4 legs instead of just hopping like all frogs.
  10. https://twitter.com/Santos4Congress/status/1616062983578189824?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1616062983578189824|twgr^f4dbda777d79a3b0d6d8cdfe3c4798b9df4b0224|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Fgeorge-santos-bulletproof-drag-steve-bannon-1775091
  11. Peña's alleged plot is the latest manifestation of a deeper and expanding malady affecting Republicans nationwide: A refusal to accept that their political views are simply unpopular. When faced with proof that they and their ideas are being rejected, rather than reform or at least try to recast their ideas, Republicans often turn to conspiracy theories about sinister forces working against them. Blame is instead put on "woke" educators or Hollywood manipulators "brainwashing" the masses. https://www.rawstory.com/solomoin-pena/
  12. and they think a 1 degree average rise in atmospheric or ocean temperatures is insignificant. Or a 1 cm rise in average sea levels. It's sheer ignorance propelled by a politics and big oil money.
  13. You forgot cocoa. Are you a chocolate freak?
  14. Sorry, you're right. Nobody ever mentioned it.
  15. One of the worst is toenail fungus from the manicures they do.
  16. If I had to steal or eat scraps to be able to feed my kids I wouldn't hesitate.
  17. We don't need to be the agent of destruction.
  18. The world's too big and God would never let that happen so carry on, business as usual.
  19. Just read the link. A scientific organisation claimed a third of all animal and plant species would be extinct by 2050. That's not a conspiracy theory. Most people are alarmed by that report. It would take religious scale delusion to think it wasn't alarming.
  20. One I used to go to on Soi Buakhao increased from 100 to 200 this year so now I go to another almost across the street where its 150.
  21. I am happy when people beat me in an argument. It means I learn something. What I ALWAYS report posters for is failure to link to a claim of fact.
  22. No, I mean far right. Morrison was that. He was a liar, protected his pedophile priest, loved Trump as I said. He was so radical that his party was almost wiped out the first time he faced and election. What makes you think I'm a communist other than just wanting to throw an epithet?
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