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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Their immunity to facts is truly bizarre. It screams religion and / or low education.
  2. Sure, and he joined the military at what age? imo, 25 should be the minimum to even join. To be sure, killing civilians whether deliberately or through negligence is a war crime. I understand that they were afraid of everybody. Mistakes happen. I blame officers who commanded him much more than a sergeant. That very argument is playing out now in Australian courts.
  3. It's why many vets never speak about the war and suffer high rates of PTSD. Kudos to your friend. He did his duty as a soldier at an age that is really too young to be a soldier in my opinion.
  4. Which translates into about 10% of republican electors. A deal killer for Trump's chances. It's why MAGA are panicking about her.
  5. I don't read Hamas controlled media. Or Israeli controlled media so how do I know? You fail the yes or no challenge. Two thirds of Palestinians killed are women and children. That is not in contention except by the most rabid zionists.
  6. Individual Australian soldiers did for sure. You'd have to point to where the military did it while knowing the outcome was many dead civilians.
  7. Do you think the IDF is justified in killing all those civilians just to get to Hamas? You could be the first person on this board who supports Israel to say yes or no.
  8. "Trump and his allies remain skeptical of Haley's chances" Trump and his allies are making the mistake of at least outwardly believing that Haley thinks any differently. She is a never trumper and will spoil his election by doing a ross perot or a jill stein.
  9. They like to say this but it's hard to separate from 2 million civilians in an area the size of a phone box. I doubt that even Hamas want innocent civilians killed even if the zionists want us to believe they don't care.
  10. If there is to be a ONE state solution then the whole region should be a UN protectorate. A 2 state solution is the only realistic solution. I think that if faced with that choice everyone would opt for the 2 state solution.
  11. totally wrong. it's not just Australia. The single western country that allows hate speech is the US.
  12. Heaven does forbid as far as I can tell. It's not just offensive, both of the examples ai gave are self evidently incitement to violence.
  13. Let me ask you this. Is there any free speech benefit to society in using the N word in public or marching down the street yelling "Jews will not replace us"? Australians don't believe their free speech rights are impinged. It's a matter of civility. Some things have to give to keep the peace. Coffee intermission. Going to the starbucks, pattaya beach. Back to fight debate later LOL.
  14. Correct until the last bit. There is no censorship, just the law. Everyone knows the law it's published. Quite apart from censorship. Courts enforce it not censors.
  15. Another issue was the degree to which Europe failed to shut down commerce with Russia. They are not that strong at all compared to Europe. I have always felt that democratic nations should not cosy up to non democratic nations. Lack of free and fair elections should bring automatic sanctions against any country, including China.
  16. They have a right to free speech. Society used to understand that toxic speech wasn't welcome. If they said what they said in my country most would be in jail right now. In fact, many of the comments made on this board would be illegal in my country. Hate speech is illegal there.
  17. According to psychologist Dr. John Gartner, formerly of Johns Hopkins University Medical School, Donald Trump's slurring and inability to sometimes formulate complete sentences appears to be a sign of growing dementia and possibly early stages of Alzheimer’s. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-dementia/
  18. I ;lay the blame squarely on the Republican traitors who have blocked aid since last August. If the aid package was passed the war would have been over by now.
  19. The context of Biden's statement that he is a Zionist is that he supports Israel's right to a sovereign state. He takes exception to the current Zionist ideology of no Palestinian state as espoused by Netanyahu and his war cabinet. The remarks were also made days after the Hamas terrorist attack. But Biden also recognized another challenge, according to a classified Israeli document describing the meeting and obtained by Israel’s Channel 13 in 2020. He told Meir that Israel should begin relinquishing Palestinian territory that had been seized during the Six-Day War of 1967. https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-israel-gaza-dachau-holocaust-hamas-919058eec36dca4c06cf9fc4355fe302 Biden reportedly pressed Begin to halt the building of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, while some of his colleagues were critical of other aspects of Israel’s policies. ″I think it is fair to say that in my eight years in Washington I’ve never seen such an angry session with a foreign head of state,″ Sen. Paul Tsongas, a Massachusetts Democrat, told reporters after the meeting. https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-israel-government-and-politics-8865a9b89162df255c6707736610a7af
  20. The ICJ was wrong to the extent that they believed that Israel would comply with their order. I think that will come out when they consider Israel's report and South Africa's response to it.
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