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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The burden of proof always lies with the accuser and not with the accused.
  2. Commercially recycling thin plastic bags is currently not feasible at a large scale to generate a profit for the recycler. While technically possible, there are several economic and practical challenges that make it difficult: Challenges: Low value: Recycled thin plastic bags have a lower market value compared to other recycled materials like aluminum or PET bottles. This makes it difficult to cover the costs of collection, sorting, and processing. Contamination: Thin plastic bags are easily contaminated with food residue, grease, and other materials, which can significantly reduce their quality and value for recycling. Sorting difficulties: The flimsy nature of thin bags makes them difficult to automatically sort from other recyclables, often requiring manual separation, which increases labor costs. Processing costs: Specialized equipment is needed to process thin plastic bags into usable material, adding to the overall cost. source: AI generated
  3. That would explain why Trump hated a national war hero so much. He got his just desserts in AZ though.
  4. How about we acknowledge the bulk of the cases instead of finding a few cases to cherry pick? The Murdoch press is known for stirring racial animus. Not a good source.
  5. They still are unless the far right think "Jews will not replace us" came from antifa impersonating white supremacists. Furthermore, the favourite whipping boy of the far right is George Soros who funds every conspiracy. Their claim is as false as the man in the moon.
  6. Two countries had strong lock downs and travel restrictions. Australia and Thailand and those countries probably did better than any others. Your misinformation is BS.
  7. Jim Jordan Is in Deep Trouble https://www.newsweek.com/jim-jordan-joe-biden-impeachment-bribery-russia-1871889?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  8. A yt channel said the photo was a photo of a photo sent to Hunter.
  9. Fox News pundit Sean Hannity aired photographs of lines of light brown powder that appeared in Hunter Biden's newest court filing, accusing the government of mistaking sawdust for cocaine, and demanded to know if the public agreed. "They are saying that is saw dust," Hannity declared. "Does that look like saw dust to you?" "It's on top of a saw," X user @ArtCandee replied. https://www.rawstory.com/sean-hannity-cocaine/?traffic_source=Connatix
  10. They never did. That's precisely why Barr killed the Mueller report.
  11. "But"? You invoked 2016, not me. I proved that was wrong.
  12. Statistically you are probably correct. Academics do tend to lean dem. That said, they are aware of this and the rigorous methodology applied in the ranking points is transparent. Why not give us a run down on how those selection criteria are biased?
  13. The. number of white supremacist militias tripled during Obama's presidency. https://www.pbs.org/wnet/exploring-hate/video/part-3-resurgence/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/mar/04/us-surge-rightwing-extremist-groups
  14. High enough to spoil Trump's re-election.
  15. Especially if Haley musters enough support to run for president.
  16. Most people abhor that a fascist dictator should be allowed to pursue expansionism by military force. By your logic, WW2 in Europe was nothing to do with the US either. Nor was Milosovitch's slaughter of Bosnians In Saraevo (sp).
  17. The nutters believe that doctors have no idea what is causing excess deaths.
  18. The US is part of NATO and the threat of Russian expansionism into NATO countries and aspiring NATO countries is very real. The US national interest is served by preventing Russia from invasion of peaceful countries and expansionism by force.
  19. Not to the point that they won't defend against an invasion by a dictator who commits war crimes.
  20. We won't know because that would be balanced and unbiased reporting.
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