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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I believe Haley is amassing funds for a third part run if Trump doesn't implode and she gets the GOP nomination. The week following super Tuesday will be interesting. There is also some speculation that Haley could be viewed as a potential third-party contender. And Haley is continuing to generate interest from donors, a sign that she’s likely to stay in the race, at least for the short-term. The campaign announced Monday that Haley raked in $16.5 million in January. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4449756-haleys-long-shot-bid-fuels-questions-about-her-endgame/
  2. Which viruses don't share most, if not all, of those symptoms? Comparisons between two completely unrelated viruses are not appropriate.
  3. Common colds don't result in the kind of long covid symptoms which persist for months.
  4. Egypt and Jordan both oppose mass Palestinian refuge in their countries for this reason Their refusal is rooted in fear that Israel wants to force a permanent expulsion of Palestinians into their countries and nullify Palestinian demands for statehood But Arab countries and many Palestinians also suspect Israel might use this opportunity to force permanent demographic changes to wreck Palestinian demands for statehood in Gaza, the West Bank and east Jerusalem, which was also captured by Israel in 1967. https://apnews.com/article/palestinian-jordan-egypt-israel-refugee-502c06d004767d4b64848d878b66bd3d
  5. First para in submission by Norway 2. Israel’s occupation of Palestinian Territory has continued since 1967. Recent developments give rise to the utmost concern. They include ongoing indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force and other measures in the Gaza Strip, as well as illegal settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. House evictions, demolitions, forced displacement and settler violence against the Palestinian population are aspects of the Israeli occupation.
  6. Israel The language being used to describe Palestinians is genocidal When Israel’s defence minister, Yoav Gallant, ordered a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip with “no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed”, he said: “We are fighting human animals and we are acting accordingly.” https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/oct/16/the-language-being-used-to-describe-palestinians-is-genocidal
  7. UN rights chief deplores ‘entrenched impunity’ by all parties in Israel, OPT In a new report, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) noted a broad range of concerns, including unlawful killings, hostage-taking, destruction of civilian property, collective punishment, forced displacement, incitement to hatred and violence, sexual assault, and torture. These acts are all prohibited by international human rights and humanitarian laws. There must be accountability on all sides for violations seen over 56 years of occupation and the 16 years of blockade of Gaza, and up to today,” said Volker Türk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/02/1146892
  8. “Israel is a democracy with a strong legal system and an independent judicial system,” writes Barak, adding that where there is conflict between national security and human rights, the former must be attained without compromising the latter’s protection. Barak provides an example: “Once, in the midst of a military operation in Gaza, the Supreme Court ordered the army to repair the water pipes that had been damaged by army tanks and to do so while the operation was still ongoing. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-gaza-strips-deepening-humanitarian-crisis/
  9. 'Famine is Imminent': Dem Senator Demands Biden Intervene in Gaza "Kids in Gaza are now dying from the deliberate withholding of food," Van Hollen said. "In addition to the horror of that news, one other thing is true. That is a war crime. https://www.newsweek.com/famine-imminent-dem-senator-demands-biden-intervene-gaza-1869330
  10. None of those threads appear to me to be any more on topic than this one for my recent posts.
  11. Thank you. I was unable to find that or any other topic on the war in Gaza in any of my listings. All I get is "no more threads to display" or words to that effect.
  12. Air strikes against civilians constitute acts of genocide. You had no problem with another poster posting that food supplies had been left undelivered by the UN. It's also impossible to find such threads anymore as they don't appear in either "content I have posted in" or "view new content"
  13. The Biden administration on Friday said Israel’s plans to advance construction on thousands of settlement homes in the West Bank were inconsistent with international law, reversing a major Trump administration policy from 2019. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, speaking from the G20 meeting in Brazil, spoke out against Israeli plans to move forward on the construction of 3,000 settlement units. https://thehill.com/policy/international/4485259-us-reverses-trump-policy-israeli-settlements/
  14. In Gaza, Israeli airstrikes in the center and south of the territory killed at least 92 Palestinians, including children and women, overnight and into Friday, health officials and an Associated Press journalist said. Another 24 bodies remained trapped under the rubble. After a strike levelled his apartment building in the central town of Deir al-Balah, online video showed Mahmoud Zueitar — a comedian well known in Gaza for his appearances in TV commercials — rushing into the hospital holding his young sister, who was screaming and covered in blood. At least 25 people were killed in the strike, 16 of them women and children. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-news-02-23-2024-a5da6005cfa6734225af35ca460a75fb
  15. If they do I'm not surprised. The UK is surrounded by countries who know how to make cheese.
  16. Do you have an opinion about the intention of the Israelis in firing on an aid convoy?
  17. Unfortunately these cowards are speaking from a protected position, safe from defamation lawsuits.
  18. She only has to ask anybody at all or watch YT for 10 seconds to see everyone has been screaming "buy NVIDIA" for months now. They still are. You don't need to have been an inside trader to have got that anytime in the past couple of years. Just another hit job based on thin air. Yesterday NVIDIA had the record for the highest number of shares ever traded for any company in history. The notion that she had to have gotten the clue to invest in NVDIA from within the company itself is just a joke. No doubt most member of the House have shares in NVIDIA and talk about it over cups of tea on a daily basis.
  19. Nobody has denied that a handful of workers ( a dozen were fired) did fight with Hamas. The Israeli misinformation campaign characterized the UNRWA in a far worse light. The US has stated that it can't verify the Israeli claims about UNRWA. linked elsewhere.
  20. So I guess it is a secret until SA gets to respond to it although I don't see that as a reason to keep it confidential. It won't affect either the report or the response by doing so.
  21. Anyone in poltics who believes in a "deep state" should be rejected by voters. Apart from flagging them as qanon, it is essentially appealing to a regious style belief in something that isn't there, something akin to the antichrist.
  22. I would have assumed that Israel has submitted the report. It's surprising to me that the court didn't also order a report from South Africa at the same time. Odd that we haven't seen the report yet. It should not be a secret I would think. edit: I see it's due today The Israeli government was given until 23 February to report to the ICJ on what it has done to comply with six orders the court issued, including one relating to ending incitement to genocide and another requiring immediate steps to improve the supply of humanitarian aid. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/10/israel-appears-to-be-in-breach-of-icj-orders-on-gaza-senior-un-official-says
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