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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Regardless, the children are starving through Israeli actions in contravention of a clear order from the ICJ. Firing on aid convoys is a war crime. What excuse do they have for firiing on an aid convoy travelling on an agreed route? Pretty hard to defend that as not deliberate. What might be a motive, if not retribution? https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/21/middleeast/un-food-convoy-gaza-israel-strike-cmd-intl/index.html
  2. We're often told to eat more protein to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. But new research shows that eating too much could actually be bad for our health. Protein is an essential macronutrient and is important for growing and maintaining muscle mass. It has also been shown to reduce cravings and boost our metabolism. However, the amount of protein that our bodies actually need to fulfill these functions is much lower than modern marketing would have you believe. https://www.newsweek.com/heart-disease-eating-protein-1872517
  3. The GOP will not like this article. It's a vote killer for most. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2022/10/27/45-of-americans-say-u-s-should-be-a-christian-nation/
  4. That argument didn't hold water in court. Trump tried it on but failed.
  5. This didn't happen. The fine was imposed because NY tax payers lost the amount of the fraud.
  6. I'm not required to read any report from one of the combatants. I don't read Hamas produced material either. Meantime, you can't even agree on the need for an independent investigation into the facts. I almost never read reports generated by one of the combatants, preferring to read credible independent reports.
  7. Nor does an Israeli report substantiate them. There needs to be independent verification, would you not agree?
  8. Hamas Rape Narrative COLLAPSES, Israeli Forces Accused of SEXUAL VIOLENCE in Gaza
  9. Israel's narrative falling apart after US intelligence can't substantiate the claims.
  10. What is a "traditional victim"? Tax fraud cases are tried every day.
  11. Hunter Biden informant re-arrested after special counsel objects to his release https://www.rawstory.com/hunter-biden-informant-re-arrested-after-special-counsel-objects-to-his-release/
  12. What are Maddow's qualifications here? Oh, right, nothing.
  13. Wake me up when you got evidence that serious side effects cause even a millionth of the number of lives lost due to covid itself.
  14. Two new but exceptionally rare Covid-19 vaccine side effects – a neurological disorder and inflammation of the spinal cord – have been detected by researchers in the largest vaccine safety study to date. The study of more than 99 million people from Australia, Argentina, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, New Zealand and Scotland also confirmed how rare known vaccine complications are, with researchers confirming that the benefits of Covid-19 vaccines still “vastly outweigh the risks”. But a new rare side-effect, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis – an inflammation and swelling in the brain and spinal cord – was also identified in the data analysis as being linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/feb/23/two-very-rare-covid-vaccine-side-effects-detected-in-global-study-of-99-million
  15. You think Comer is more reliable than the FBI? Anyway, it proves my point, the Republicans were warned. Whether or not they trusted the FBI is irrelevant, they were warned. Believing Comer over the FBI has to be a joke. Hopefully there will be a senate inquiry into who knew what when.
  16. There was an ongoing investigation. As you already know that means "keep mum". Now they have sounded the warning loud and clear. I'd like to see Comer's other evidence as well. Odd that we haven't already given that they screamed loud and long that Smirnoff was a credible witness. How did Comer know that?
  17. 'We were warned': GOP lawmaker says Republicans knew of issues with arrested informant Speaking to CNN's Kaitlan Collins Wednesday evening, Buck pushed back on impeachment efforts by his Republican colleagues in light of the charges against Smirnov, claiming that lawmakers "were warned at the time that we received the document outlining this witness' testimony ... that the credibility of this statement was not known." Republicans fought for the release of the raw FBI notes regarding Smirnov's claims last summer, which federal investigators had asked to withhold from the public to protect "important security interests." https://www.newsweek.com/gop-congressman-says-colleagues-were-warned-about-ex-fbi-informant-1872237
  18. "When did James comer know this was false and how long did he conceal that from the American people?" asked Democratic Representative Jared Moskowitz during a CNN interview on Thursday. "Are you telling me he just found out through the indictment or has he known all along or at least for a period of time that this 1023 form was made up? Those are real questions we need to get to the bottom [of]," the Democrat said. https://www.newsweek.com/james-comer-faces-potential-investigation-over-lying-fbi-source-1870518
  19. You can be assured that I'll be doing just that. Here's a start. On Tuesday, the department revealed Smirnov actually confessed that Russian intelligence officers helped him smear Hunter Biden. In fact, department prosecutors warned that Smirnov was still “actively peddling new lies that could impact U.S. elections after meeting with Russian intelligence officials in November.” The memo notes that Smirnov himself reported several meetings with Russian officials as recently as December 2023. https://newrepublic.com/post/179160/republicans-delete-reference-fbi-informant-smirnov-impeachment-letter
  20. We do know that Smirnoff had regular and recent contact with Russian intelligence. We also know that the Republicans knew some time ago that their informant was suspect. What's your rationale, apart from just nay saying Russian apologies?
  21. To the uneducated that might seem like not much CO2. The reality is that it's rising fast and has never been higher in several million years. source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbon_dioxide_in_Earth's_atmosphere
  22. The inescapable conclusion here is that the Republicans have been trying to impeach the sitting president in an election year with the help of Putin.
  23. Smirnov, they said, "claims to have contacts with multiple foreign intelligence agencies" and had planned to leave the U.S. for months just two days after he was arrested, to meet with Russian intelligence officials, among others. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/20/1232789953/alexander-smirnov-fbi-informant-biden-hunter-ukraine Of particular note, Smirnov has reported numerous contacts with Russian Official 1, who has been described by Smirnov in a number of ways, including as the son of a former high-ranking Russian government official, someone who purportedly controls two groups of individuals tasked with carrying out assassination efforts in a third-party country, a Russian representative to another country, and as someone with ties to a particular Russian intelligence service. This latter fact was reported by Smirnov in October, 2023. https://www.mediaite.com/news/shocking-filing-says-busted-anti-biden-fbi-informant-had-contact-with-leader-of-an-assassination-squad/
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