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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I have not tried to walk back anything. You have a wilful comprehension problem fuelled by your desire to continue personal attacks.
  2. The ICJ were wrong in their assessment that Israel would abide by their order. The decision to allow Israel to continue to fight Hamas was well considered and justifiable under that assumption. They must now reconsider it in the light of continued genocidal acts and non compliance with the orders of Jan 26.
  3. The ICJ made the correct decision. It allowed Israel to continue to fight Hamas while making an order it considered should be effective in preventing excessive civilian deaths. Clearly they were wrong in that assessment. I'm entitled to predict what I think they will do and I have the courage of my convictions. I'm quite willing to accept criticism of my predictions should they prove to be wrong. The imminent siege of Rafah and the inevitable human catastrophe bolsters my prediction.
  4. The ICJ stated the reasons which were that it's ruling should have been sufficient to prevent Israel from continuing its slaughter of civilians. It appears that they were wrong and I predict that will soon impose a ceasefire since Israel has clearly not complied, an opinion that South Africa will not doubt include in its report.
  5. When did caring about civilians become "virtue signalling"? Another meaningless right wing slogan, nothing more than invective.
  6. Has the Israeli bombing of civilians since the order complied with that order? I think the answer should be obvious but you can't offer an unequivocal yes or no.
  7. For good reason The Great Barrington Declaration was an open letter published in October 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns.[1][2] It claimed harmful COVID-19 lockdowns could be avoided via the fringe notion of "focused protection", by which those most at risk could purportedly be kept safe while society otherwise took no steps to prevent infection.[3][4][5] The envisaged result was herd immunity within three months, as SARS-CoV-2 swept through the population.[1][2][4] Signed by Sunetra Gupta of the University of Oxford, Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University, and Martin Kulldorff of Harvard University, it was sponsored by the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), a libertarian free-market think tank associated with climate change denial.[ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Barrington_Declaration
  8. I wouldn't be surprised to see a sea change in the US position if the ICJ order a cease fire and / or rule that the Israeli occupation of Gaza and parts of the west bank are illegal. She says the United States is making considerable efforts to come into compliance, despite serious obstacles within its own constitutional system. https://www.cfr.org/video/united-states-and-icj
  9. I'm pissed off if I don't wai my Thai friends before they wai to me because I know they will. They always do. Only one of my Thai friends shakes my hand and that's because he lived and studied in the US. Curiously, his nickname is Thank You. I kid you not.
  10. If Israel bombs civilians it's self defense but if Hamas do it it's terrorism? Is that your message?
  11. Disgusting flaming projection. I don't make apologies for Hamas. I believe they should release the hostages unharmed. I merely explained what Hamas said. I do not support Hamas. Grow up and discuss the issues on their merits like an adult.
  12. Do you deny that Israel was ordered to do everything in its power to prevent civilian casualties?
  13. There is no way further information can justify those killings. The only pertinent information is that 2 dozen civilians were killed. This was a war crime.
  14. I knew you wouldn't touch that question. Hamas said that releasing hostages was contingent on Israel releasing prisoners as well.
  15. Has Israel ignored the order? I agreed that Hamas has ignored the order. Has Israel committed any war crimes this week?
  16. It's unfortunate but not surprising that Hamas has not released the hostages but you are just trying to deflect from the continuing war crimes.
  17. Both the sun and the moon are round. That's about as valid a comparison as covid is to the cold. Attempts to portray covid as just another cold are politically driven misinformation. Stop it.
  18. From your link He said that only the establishment of an independent Palestinian state “living safely and securely alongside” Israel could bring about lasting peace, repeating a longstanding U.S. position, but the prospect of which appears even more elusive amid the war in Gaza. “This conflict cannot be resolved through violence or unilateral actions,” Mr. Visek said. “Negotiations are the path to a lasting peace.” and “One only needs to look at Israel’s vicious wholesale destruction of Gaza today after years of imposing the medieval methods, a siege and blockade, to realize the extent of Israel’s transgression of this principle,” she said.
  19. Long covid symptoms are very severe. Why are you trying to downplay the severity of covid? Long COVID, the condition where symptoms that surface after recovering from COVID-19 linger for weeks, months, or even years, is still a mystery to doctors and researchers. The symptoms, such as chronic pain, brain fog, shortness of breath, chest pain, and intense fatigue, can be debilitating. Severe cases of Long COVID can even affect the body’s organs. https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/long-covid-symptoms
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