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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Authorities locate black boxes after Nepal plane crash, airline confirms no survivors https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-16/authorities-locate-black-boxes-after-deadly-yeti-airlines-crash/101860896
  2. New York Reps. Dan Goldman (D) and Ritchie Torres (D) sent a letter to GOP leadership demanding that they explain what they knew of Rep. George Santos’s (R-N.Y.) lies about his resume and biography, and when they knew it. “In light of recent public reporting indicating that each of you had at least some knowledge of the web of lies used by Congressman George Santos to deceive his voters long before they became public, we write to request that you proactively and forthrightly cooperate with all current and future investigations into Mr. Santos, including the investigation by the House Committee on Ethics that Speaker McCarthy confirmed this week,” stated the letter, which was obtained by CBS News. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3814383-ny-democratic-reps-call-on-mccarthy-gop-to-explain-when-they-knew-of-santos-web-of-lies/
  3. Not knowing is not a basis for baseless speculation of an inflammatory nature.
  4. That only means you didn't watch any of the videos or read any of the articles which showed plenty of them. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1346531619029594118?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1346585137866305541|twgr^5d0531e8db099d3ca97d5518b11ad1880c6a328e|twcon^s3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Freligionunplugged.com%2Fnews%2F2021%2F1%2F6%2Fsome-history-behind-the-christian-flags-at-the-pro-trump-capitol-coup https://religionunplugged.com/news/2021/1/6/some-history-behind-the-christian-flags-at-the-pro-trump-capitol-coup
  5. Do any Russians come back from a tour of duty in Ukraine? ????
  6. So far I haven't read any allegations that any of Biden's documents were at a level above classified, meaning that possibly none were secret or top secret. That would also explain why National Archives did not have them registered. That stands in stark contrast to Trump's documents where some were top secret and the National Archives did know they were missing.
  7. That was a single instance. I believe Harry quoted a pattern. And no, it still isn't proof. It's only a claim.
  8. This diet doesn't cost much more in Thailand than it does anywhere else. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-22/whats-this-longevity-diet-will-make-you-live-longer/101463260 Definitely learning Thai will enhance your enjoyment of the country. Pro tip: Learn to read it first ????
  9. I departed Thailand for the Philippines in 1991 because I thought it was going downhill compared to the 80's. ????
  10. It still doesn't constitute proof does it? I would class that as a lie just like you claim Harry is lying.
  11. I went to Pokhara from Kathmandu in 1979 by bus. I decided that was so scary that I would fly back. It was a decent trip out to the airport and the flight back to Kathmandu was in a canvas biplane. It seems like they wanted the airport so much closer to Pokhara that they built the new one in an unsafe location. I recall that the walk up to the top of a nearby ridge was 2,500 feet in the space of less than a kilometre. I was only 25 and had been doing martial arts at the time so was quite fit. Some local kids who looked about 6 years old begged us to carry our packs for 5 rupees (about 30 cents in those days). I was a bit reluctant because they were so young. They beat us to the top by about half an hour.
  12. What part of "royal sources claim" is proof of anything? I can't read the article because my Thai ISP doesn't display the site.
  13. He wasn't. While I enjoy the company of the local women folk, I would have no problems enjoying Pattaya without them. At my age I am on the cusp of that now.
  14. He could have easily meant a play station. I don't think he's used it for a while. Where has his claim that Camilla leaked stories to the media been disproved. Link please?
  15. Both countries have high rents considering that in the Philippines you either need to live in a village in the boonies or a gated community. Otherwise you will be broken into. It happened to me a few times. I was also held up at knife point within a hundred yards of Fields Ave. . Much higher rates of crime against foreigners in both countries compared to Thailand. In the Philippines it's almost impossible to rent a furnished apartment, they are all bare. Food in Philippines is shocking and the country rated third worst in the world in a recent poll discussed on this board. Fresh fruit other than pineapples and mangos in season (one variety) is not available. They don't have the fruit carts like I see everywhere in Pattaya. There are very few small restaurants selling fresh cooked food cheaply in the Philippines. Western food restaurants are outrageously expensive. International schools likewise. Decent doctors are out of the country and hospitals are terrible or very expensive.
  16. They just want to shoot the messenger. It's been a recurrent theme in this saga. None of the detractors address what he said other than to claim it is lies.
  17. Democrat asks GOP Committee chair why he won't investigate George Santos after admitting ethics breaches https://www.rawstory.com/george-santos-oversight-committee/
  18. Republicans want Biden home visitor logs - but not Trump's https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republicans-want-biden-home-visitor-logs-not-trumps-2023-01-15/
  19. A veteran airline consultant says pilots likely "lost control" of a plane which crashed in Nepal, killing at least 68 people. Video posted to social media showed a plane flying low before sharply rolling in the air and disappearing out of frame. One witness said he saw the aircraft spinning violently in the air after it began descending to land, watching from the terrace of his house. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-16/nepal-plane-crash-pilots-lost-control-australian-on-board/101857702
  20. NSW Treasurer Matt Kean says "horrible cowards" forced Dominic Perrottet's confession about wearing a Nazi costume to his 21st birthday party, and challenged them to come forward. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-16/nsw-matt-kean-says-horrible-cowards-behind-perrottet-nazi-story/101858262 What does it matter who revealed the video? This is a classic case of shooting the messenger as a way of deflecting from the message.
  21. It's been well established that neither vaccines nor previous infections prevent reinfections.
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