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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Biden, as ex VP had the same security detail Trump had (for 6 moths after and after he announced as a candidate for the 2020 election) so claiming that Trump could leave his documents lying around anywhere in MAL applies to Biden as well. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/03/03/biden-do-former-vice-presidents-have-secret-service-protection/4948807002/
  2. Congratulations! You're the hundredth board member to point out that off topic detail in the last month.
  3. There's another thing about The US. One of the most God fearing western nation on the planet, right up there with Spain, Portugal and Greece and far more so than its peers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Importance_of_religion_by_country
  4. And yet here you are making up stuff about him willfully keeping the documents without proof. If he is found to have done so then he'll be playing canasta with Trump.
  5. It doesn't hurt to point out where his sympathies lie. Certainly not with any minorities. Christian nationalist groups are not for minorities. They are closely associated with racism.
  6. Americans have the best universities and hospitals but most poor Americans can't access them. The average educational and health outcomes are far below peer nations.
  7. Last week Pattaya's Central Festival mall was just Russians but today there are large numbers fo Chinese as well. The Chinese mostly wear masks, most others not so much these days. Also a lot of Indians and people from the Middle East. Farang tourists seem to be a vanishing species now. It seems Russia and its allies have all the disposable cash for shopping.
  8. What evidence do you have that the secret service was anywhere near those documents? Their only mission is to protect Trump's personal safety, not to guard his possessions. They do so at taxpayer's expense. Just another Trump apologist talking point, not grounded in reality or reason.
  9. No, I'm suggesting that wild speculation and innuendo is pointless. I'd imagine that fingerprints have definitely been taken in both cases.
  10. It would. There' a bout as much chance of that as Kushner's fingerprints being on Trump's docs. Wild speculation based on absolutely nothing is tantamount to trolling.
  11. I also hope Biden doesn't run. This could be a blessing in disguise in that it might tip Biden's hand in declaring he won't run. Right now, a drover's dog could beat either DeSantis or Trump and it's traditional for presidents to run for a second term. I'd like to see Hakeem run. The dems need a younger and more progressive / aggressive president.
  12. It has not been authenticated and verified. A media organisation determined that there is no evidence that the disk was tampered with. Can you spot the difference?
  13. How long does it take fora drunk to drink a drink, then refuse to pay after being asked to do so and then get into an altercation? I'd wager about 30 minutes.
  14. I provided a logical explanation for my comment after you challenged me. I did so in good faith. You are just trolling at this point. Bed time.
  15. Well that would explain why the girl wouldn't go with him. I can't think of any other reason.
  16. It's likely that the GOP will attach a rider to the funding bill to blackmail the Dems into agreeing to cuts in social security and Obamacare then blame them for not voting for it. The dems want a clean bill.
  17. That proposition hasn't been tested. There are apparently still missing documents. Prosecutors appear to be ONLY concerned that Trump obstructed justice, not just mishandling documents. No equivalence. Prosecutors are also looking into whether Trump or his team obstructed justice when the FBI sent agents to search his home. Officials have said more classified documents may still be missing. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-legal-team-search-classified-material-properties-washington-post-says-2022-12-07/
  18. Par for the course for GOP Christian nationalists. I love the comments on his tweet. "Love your #StairwayToHeaven flag! Who knew Glennie was a HUGE fan of Led Zeppelin? Let me guess. Immigrant Song is your favorite?
  19. Jordan will get his answer at the same time as we do.
  20. The bar is legally permitted to sell a drink until 01:59 AM. The customer is allowed to drink it. Your implication that the fact that the altercation occurred 30 minutes later means something is a nothing burger.
  21. Stealing sweets from the shop is the same as robbing a bank now? There is no evidence that the Bidens were corrupt. Joe Biden had no official office at the alleged time he was corrupt.
  22. Likely served before 2am. He is allowed to drink it after that time. He was probably so <deleted> he didn't drink it and was then required to pay for it.
  23. Trump had the docs at a time when nobody authorised him to have them. He took them to MAL. Biden mishandled them, assuming it was Biden who legally accessed them and not his staff. Trump refused to give them back after the FBI demanded he do so. That is the difference. You're ignoring that this is all about obstruction.
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