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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Everyone saw Brazil violence coming. Except social media giants Silicon Valley’s biggest names have again been caught asleep at the wheel as far-right protestors storm a country’s government buildings. https://www.politico.eu/article/brazil-violence-social-media-lula-bolsonaro-riot-insurrection-coup/
  2. Immigrants in most countries are statistically less likely to commit crime than the denizens. By your reckoning, Australia should be very unsafe. The political and social culture of the majority citizenry is the major determinant of safety. Witness the domestic terrorism in the USA. Mostly white supremacist hate groups posing the biggest threat to public order and safety. Ordinary crime is a socioeconomic issue rather than race.
  3. Crucial, though is considering both sides of the argument. Not just dismissing one side under a pretext without critical thought. Having a preconceived belief that one side is inherently flawed is to fail. The flaws in each argument need to be explained.
  4. Harry isn't in the military now. Nothing he has said is a betrayal of his country or the monarchy. If shutting up to protect a member of his own family in peacetime is a betrayal there's something seriously wrong with your ethics.
  5. Biden should cancel his 1-A visa and force the coward to leave the country.
  6. It started when the current king entered into an extramarital relationship.
  7. On The Money — McCarthy pushes to cut IRS funding CBO: Republicans’ IRS bill will add $114B to deficit The White House on Monday excoriated Republican-led legislation up for a vote in the House to rescind funding for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allocated last year by Democrats, calling it a “reckless” bill that would benefit “tax cheats.” https://thehill.com/policy/finance/overnights/3806111-on-the-money-mccarthy-pushes-to-cut-irs-funding/ Progressive U.S. lawmakers on Monday took House Republicans to task after the Congressional Budget Office said the erstwhile deficit hawks' first bill before the 118th Congress—a measure critics say is meant to "protect wealthy and corporate tax cheats"—will swell the federal deficit by more than $100 billion. "They all run on reducing the deficit and now the House GOP's first... bill will increase the deficit by $114 billion," tweeted Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.). "Make it make sense." https://www.rawstory.com/gop-taxes/
  8. I believe I responded to a post which was overtly political in what could / should have been a non political thread.
  9. Except for the ones who are in political prisons. The point is that there aren't any completely peaceful countries. Even my tongue in cheek Greenland doesn't count as it belongs to Denmark.
  10. And maybe you need to stop trolling since you made a big call filled with innuendo and now can't back it up.
  11. Differences in the Trump, Biden classified document discoveries https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3806250-differences-in-the-trump-biden-classified-document-discoveries/
  12. North Korea meets your stated criteria almost better than any other country. Maybe you could just name one.
  13. Ooh, look even handed treatment. A person who is familiar with the matter but not authorized to discuss it publicly said Attorney General Merrick Garland asked U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois John Lausch to review the matter after the Archives referred the issue to the department. Lausch is one of the few U.S. attorneys to be held over from former President Donald Trump’s administration. https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-united-states-government-812ef44a5333f6d93423a67a683fa024?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_08
  14. He apparently didn't willfully remove them after he lost authority to hold them and isn't asking for them to be returned. Nothing to see here I think. We shall see.
  15. During his speech after finally getting enough votes to be House speaker, Kevin McCarthy vowed that the GOP will set up committees to "hold the swamp accountable, from the withdrawal of Afghanistan, to the origins of COVID and to the weaponization of the FBI." He added: "Let me be very clear. We will use the power of the purse and the power of the subpoena to get the job done." https://www.newsweek.com/jim-jordan-subpoena-fbi-idiotic-donald-trump-1772291?utm_source=spotim&utm_medium=spotim_recirculation&spot_im_redirect_source=pitc
  16. You suggested that chemical toilets replace water in the poorest countries. This is about fertiliser. Could you keep your ducks in a row?
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