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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Nine months before he took office? I think we can guess who caused that. For a start the Fed has the reigns over the economy for the most part. Secondly this recession was caused by covid. Your figures are 2 months after the outbreak. Thirdly, the economy generally lags Fed policy by more than a year. Trying to pin this on Biden is ridiculous.
  2. @ukrules Do not troll members with laughing emoji. It's against the rules.
  3. You mean people actually travel to Thailand without acquainting themselves of the requirements first? If they purchased their tickets online then they could read them right there. If they purchased their tickets from a travel agent, the agent would give them a flyer explaining the requirements and probably even make sure they read it to them. You are just clutching at straws. If they can't get that far then hard cheese.
  4. But somehow you focused on a trivial incident to the exclusion of far more serious incidents. It's a reasonable conclusion that you are deflecting.
  5. Why would they wait that long? Your parents can readily get someone from the NHS to help them if they are incapable of doing it themselves. They sure could in my country, I know that for a fact.
  6. Snow is a no-show as Europe feels the winter heat https://apnews.com/article/weather-climate-and-environment-droughts-europe-ac556a03360f361496aefb1c3a6569b6?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_07
  7. It's an article from an educational institution. No, more infections does not translate into more serious infections, that's a non sequitur.
  8. President Joe Biden lauds 'heroes' of January 6 US Capitol attack on second anniversary of riot https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-07/biden-lauds-heroes-of-jan-6-attacks-on-second-anniversary/101834934
  9. These MAGA crazies will ensure the demise of their party for generations after 2024. The public revulsion will be similar to that seen in the mid terms but will be deeper because there's going to be 2 years of chaos and overreach.
  10. That's why personal responsibility only goes so far. Idiots need protection from themselves. That's why most countries do have strong gun control laws.
  11. That doesn't excuse the woman who got shot forcing her way in. Or the hundreds of officers injured trying to keep them out. You focus on one spurious and debatable incident as some kind of proof. And then you ignore their actions once inside.
  12. No, all countries track forex since forever. Close to real time banking data is likely.
  13. If it was his brother you'd probably be calling it "Doing his duty" or "Serving his country".
  14. Thanks, I am 68 and tested positive in May this year, about a week after arriving in Thailand. I have had 4 shots, AX followed by Pfizer then 2 Moderna. So, it sounds safe to skip another vaccine for now. I'm tempted to get it anyway.
  15. Just check the gun homicide and mass shooting data from comparable countries vs the US.
  16. A vice is immoral or wicked behaviour. Basically a religious concept.
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