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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The British monarchy is on the downward slope now. It's no coincidence that all this has started since the queen died. Their fallibility is being exposed now.
  2. The administration has just announced a policy of 30,000 arrivals and expulsions per month. Does that count as nothing?
  3. You got that cultural hegemony thing going strong there. It means nothing of the sort.
  4. A 2020 analysis by the Royal United Services Institute, a U.K.-based defense think tank, described the Su-57 Felon jets as "not yet having matured into a credible frontline weapons system," but they were nonetheless a stealth aircraft with "potential." https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-su-57-fighter-jets-felon-british-ministry-defense-sergei-shoigu-1772157
  5. The GOP seems to be in self destruct mode. McCarthy agrees to deal that will boost 'extremist' candidates' odds of winning more House seats https://www.rawstory.com/mccarthy-extremists/
  6. Do you think that creativity is an innate gift? In research that I recently published with organization and management scholars Chris Bauman and Maia Young, we found that simply reinterpreting a frustrating situation can enhance the creativity of conventional thinkers. And if you’re angry that someone seemed unnecessarily combative in a conversation, you might reevaluate the situation, coming to view the behavior as unintentional rather than malicious. https://theconversation.com/how-to-unlock-your-creativity-even-if-you-see-yourself-as-a-conventional-thinker-196198
  7. The discovery phase is going to be a riot. ???? Another summons has been issued to Donald Trump in a case related to the Jan. 6 insurrection. The former president was served notice Monday of a civil lawsuit filed by the longtime girlfriend of the late Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick alleging conspiracy, wrongful death and other complaints against Trump and two rioters involved in the attack, reported CBS News correspondent Scott MacFarlane. “The horrific events of January 6 2021, including Officer Sicknick’s tragic, wrongful death, were a direct and foreseeable consequence of the defendants’ unlawful actions,” the suit alleges. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-lawsuit-2659088121/
  8. Like diet, some people will heed this advice and some won't. Horse. Water.
  9. It's telling that the FBI don't seem to even want the laptop. I guess they have an answer for that as well.
  10. Speaking of selling stories to the press as you were: Prince Harry has accused the royal family of being complicit in his wife Meghan’s anguish, claiming his stepmother Camilla, the queen consort, had leaked private conversations to the media in order to burnish her own reputation. In interviews broadcast Sunday, Harry accused members of the royal family of getting “into bed with the devil” to gain favorable tabloid coverage, singling out Camilla’s efforts to rehabilitate her image with the British people after her longtime affair with his father, now King Charles III. https://apnews.com/article/prince-harry-book-meghan-royals-4141be64bcd1521d1d5cf0f9b65e20b5
  11. Article author: Gary Yohe, Ph.D., is the Huffington Foundation professor of Economics and Environmental Studies, Emeritus at Wesleyan University.
  12. Australia only recognises paternity DNA tests at particular hospitals with an Australian consular staff member present and only after you apply for citizenship for the child. This information is several years old and may have changed.
  13. This constant gratuitous Thai bashing is making it embarrassing to be a member of this forum.
  14. Sound familiar? The occupation of the government buildings had been planned for at least two weeks by Bolsonaro's supporters in groups on social media messaging platforms such as Telegram and Twitter, yet there was no move by security forces to prevent the attack, called by one group "the seizure of power by the people." https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/brazil-investigates-who-led-anti-democratic-riots-capital-2023-01-09/
  15. Prince Harry also wrote in his new autobiography about how his service in the British military saved his life, telling Cooper in the sitdown interview that he was able to find normalcy during his tenure. “Got me out of the spotlight from the– from the U.K. press. I was able to focus on a purpose larger than myself, to be wearing the same uniform as everybody else, to feel normal for the first time in my life,” Harry told Cooper, noting what he considered to be major accomplishments such as training to become an Apache helicopter pilot. https://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/3804895-five-things-to-know-from-prince-harrys-new-book/
  16. It's always nice when countries honour their fallen heroes.
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