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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The science doesn't suggest that. Most Indians have been vaccinated, most Chinese not. "He started it" is childish.
  2. This is a thread about covid. The "some of my best friends" is a joke, right?.
  3. This is about Thais and others travelling to India from Thailand. It's isn't and excuse to bash Indians.
  4. The only republican presidential candidate if you don't count the missing in action Ye.
  5. Don't see any evidence refuting what she said. The Jan 6 committee characterised Orlando's testimony as unconvincing and he claimed to have forgotten almost everything except his own name. Not even republicans are pushing back against her. Spaghetti monster anyone?
  6. We've had this argument before. The entire planet runs on statistics. Corporations, banks, government, science, all.
  7. There were a lot of better beaches back then. Allof them except Patong. What they didn't have was the isolation. The water was very clean and deep quickly so nice for swimming.
  8. On 28 December 2022 there was a post made on the Pastebin website, that has since been taken down, from a supposed hacker claiming that they had got access to API data stored in 3Commas’ database. 3Commas can confirm that 3Commas first found out about the hacking and the hacker’s statement from the same Pastebin post as the rest of the 3Commas community. This notice provides details about the incident, our response and description of the measures taken by us so far. What does this mean? What should users do? At this point, 3Commas can unfortunately confirm that some of 3Commas’ users’ API data (API keys, secrets and passphrases) have been disclosed by a third party. Currently, and to the best of our knowledge, only API data have been disclosed as part of this incident. As a likely consequence the hacker(s) may use or may have used the API data to connect your exchange accounts to his/their account and/or initiate unauthorized trades. Since becoming aware of the supposed hacker´s Pastebin post, we have requested that Binance, KuCoin and other supported exchanges revoke all keys that were connected to 3Commas. We strongly recommend every user to reissue an API key they have currently connected to an exchange. If you need help with updating your API keys, please checking our guide. source: email received.
  9. Are literate people not allowed to have an opinion if they are not British? Statistics trumps anecdotal evidence every time. Would an American or Australian economist have no clue?
  10. I've already said that many Thais are of Indian ethnic origin. Did you miss that or doesn't it fit the narrative? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indians_in_Thailand
  11. I quoted credible articles which all said it was reasonably effective against serious illness. Unless you can produce credible contradictory evidence you're just spruiking nonsense.
  12. Snake oil salesmen are those who push conspiracy theories that scientists debunk. The beacon of light is a stream of bat's pee when all around is dark.
  13. Same old tired canards. The answer is stop burning fossil fuels and move to renewables. Every form of renewable energy is now cheaper than fossil fuels except hydrogen and that will come soon. Stopping climate change won't be free, nobody pretends that. If fossil fuel subsidies were stopped they wouldn't look so cheap. If cleaning up coal mines was factored into the price they would look super expensive.
  14. I've never seen that but I do remember a time long ago when the fountain outside our town's police headquarters turned bright blue.
  15. You're not in Pattaya I guess? There are traffic lights in several places on Beach Road and sai 2 including at soi 6.
  16. About 23 to the AUD so similar to now. But the AUD was worth $1.20 USD around then.
  17. They were nice 40 years ago. Here is Ao Sane beach. It was inaccessible by any vehicle at that time. Bungalows on the beach were 40 baht a night.
  18. What medical imperative would drive that policy? This is all about the possibility of large numbers of arrivals from China causing widespread infections in Thailand. There's no current reciprocity issue there.
  19. What to look for in Trump’s tax returns “I’m going to be looking for things like foreign ownership, foreign accounts, foreign ownership of Trump businesses, payments to foreigners,” Rosenthal said. “There’s bound to be some items that may yet pop out to external reviewers that [the JCT] missed.” “Those of us who are interested in his relationship with Russia will be looking for any kind of confirmation of what Don [Trump] Jr. said in 2008 that Trump interests had received much of their money from Russian sources,” former CIA officer and journalist Frank Snepp said in an interview. https://thehill.com/policy/finance/3792117-what-to-look-for-in-trumps-tax-returns/
  20. Many Thai citizens are of Indian ethnic origin. Many other nationalities fly from Bangkok to India.
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