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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. DC mayor told Jan. 6 panel failures resulted from belief far-right extremists were ‘friendly’ to police Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) testified to the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol that a belief that far-right extremists and rioters would be “friendly” to law enforcement that day caused “intelligence failures.” “People thought they were friendly to law enforcement and that they loved their country,” Bowser said in a newly released transcript. “People didn’t think that these white nationalists would overthrow the Capitol building.” https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3792383-d-c-mayor-told-jan-6-panel-failures-resulted-from-belief-far-right-extremists-were-friendly-to-police/
  2. Not when the a link has obviously been posted on at least one occasion. In the case you're demanding a link for, numerous times. Are you planning to use this as a cudgel to bash posters on every occasion when the links have been posted and they don't wish to have to dredge them up time and time again when the wingnuts who don't read links anyway demand them on every occasion?
  3. No, it's peaceful and avoids wasting time.. Your on mine from here on in.
  4. This is incorrect. The Chinese vaccines have been effective against preventing severe disease. I used the word "less" very deliberately. It is utterly reprehensible that your ilk like to conflate protection against infection with protection against severe illness. They are different issues and the the latter is by far the most important. The problem for China has been insufficient vaccinations, not so much bad vaccines. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2022/04/19/how-chinas-sinovac-compares-with-biontechs-mrna-vaccine https://www.cnbc.com/2022/12/01/china-covid-lockdown-protests-fauci-says-beijing-did-bad-job-vaccinating-elderly.html https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-02796-w https://slate.com/technology/2022/12/vaccines-china-zero-covid-protests-coronavac-sinopharm.html https://www.who.int/news-room/feature-stories/detail/the-sinopharm-covid-19-vaccine-what-you-need-to-know https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202212/1281310.shtml
  5. You claimed to know my state of mind and false claimed what it was. Unequivocally a personal attack.
  6. You made an unattributed claim and when challenged you responded with a personal attack. It isn't me who needs to grow up.
  7. The list you quoted without attribution made no mention of Chinese vaccines. I wasn't referring to them and I don't dispute that the Chinese vaccines are less effective than the ones listed. If you're going to claim "the truth is the truth" then it would be both helpful and in compliance with the rules if you provided the link you have now twice referred to.
  8. I think Russia can be fairly accused of liquidating influential dissidents.
  9. No attribution. What date was that statement made? Possibly when we were dealing with alpha and delta when the statement was true. You also disingenuously failed to mention that those vaccines remain effective at preventing serious illness and death. And no, some deaths do not invalidate that conclusion should you be considering going down that rabbit hole.
  10. In a delusion of biblical proportions, they deny that all of climate change is caused by human activity and virtually nothing else. The world should be in a cooling phase but for this human activity. Their denial is based on political affiliation and little else. They point to opinions of widely discredited scientists who are paid by the fossil fuel industry to produce pseudoscience. The politicians they vote for are bought and paid by fossil fuel lobbyists. It is indeed a doomsday scenario.
  11. That that oft proven, utterly false claim is why I call then deniers. They refuse to read scientific articles and evidence outside the echo chamber and do their utmost to poison the well. Deniers is too kind.
  12. I'm hoping the new world government selects the climate deniers to be the first colonizers of the moon and Mars. They deserve it. Kind of like how Irish convicts, jailed for stealing bread from the English, were sent to Australia.
  13. They simply wouldn't buy them if they didn't think they needed them.
  14. I can TROY — Jason T. Schofield, Rensselaer County's Republican elections commissioner, is scheduled to plead guilty to federal criminal charges in January in connection with an ongoing investigation of voter fraud by the U.S. Department of Justice. "He is scheduled for a change of plea and with his change of plea he will be resigning from his position," Danielle Neroni, Schofield's attorney, said Wednesday. Schofield's scheduled guilty plea to felony charges on Jan. 11 would mark the second conviction in the federal investigation that's being spearheaded by the FBI and has focused on the harvesting of absentee ballots in elections over the past two years. https://www.timesunion.com/state/article/Rensselaer-elections-commissioner-to-plead-guilty-17681350.php
  15. 'Eyebrow raising': former prosecutor slams Lindsey Graham for allegedly urging lawyer to find dead voters On CNN Thursday, former federal prosecutor Harry Litman criticized Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) for allegedly asking Donald Trump's lawyers to find five examples of dead people voting, to give the campaign the pretext necessary to challenge the election results. The new allegations come from transcripts of the testimony of Trump attorney and former One America News anchor Christina Bobb, who told House January 6 Committee investigators of the exchange. https://www.rawstory.com/eyebrow-raising-former-prosecutor-slams-lindsey-graham-for-urging-lawyer-to-find-voters/
  16. Pro-Trump protester Ray Epps told Jan. 6 committee 'crazy' conspiracy theories tore apart his life Far-right members of Congress have suggested that the Trump supporter was actually a federal plant. Epps said the attack made him "ill." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/-trump-protester-ray-epps-told-jan-6-committee-crazy-conspiracy-theori-rcna63615
  17. As far as I know, China is not sanctioned beyond the chips act. India has always bought Russian oil.
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia has pressured Belarus to contribute troops to join the invasion and this is the false flag attack to justify it.
  19. I wish that I could have taken unlimited photos for free when I was young. I have very few photos of my early life and travels. Many of those that were taken were lost in a cyclone or heat affected.
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