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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I doubt that the average Russian worker can afford an elite visa.
  2. Apparently diversity doesn't include Jews.
  3. The rich will always find a way out of fighting for their country. I guess they don't have an exemption for bone spurs.
  4. Unusual behaviour from a presidential candidate/ Kanye West's former business manager can't find him to serve $4.5 million lawsuit https://www.rawstory.com/kanye-west-s-ex-business-manager-suing-him-for-4-5-million-but-can-t-find-him-to-serve-the-papers-report/
  5. This is why it's futile to debate with many on the right. They are stuck in the echo chamber of confirmation bias. The Guardian is biased but it's factually reliable. https://adfontesmedia.com/the-guardian-bias-and-reliability/
  6. They could have said "Victorian government introduces safety reforms to protect renters". Nope, they chose to put a negative slant on it. Murdoch never praised a left wing initiative in his life. Gotta protect the rich end of town.
  7. Because "controversial" and "forced" are neutral and not emotive words? Exactly how would a $1,000 tax deductible upgrade for safety be controversial?
  8. This article is just the usual Murdoch press click bait, attacking the left wing Victorian government because the conservatives were all but wiped out in a recent election.
  9. Good. There's nobody in Australia who owns rental properties that would even notice this paltry amount. Besides which the real cost would be reduced by about half due to tax write offs on top of the negative gearing.
  10. That's only because they never make a cogent argument, supported by links, in their posts. If they did so I would cut them a lot more slack and they might actually convince me that they are right. I don't have a closed mind. Meantime, the preponderance of evidence is firmly against these people. Science deniers are not cool people. You no doubt have noticed that I reserve my most vitriolic language for their misinformation and lies. I don't attack anybody personally, just their opinions and especially when they refuse to post credible links. Did I mention that failure to post credible links is what triggers me the most? Such people waste out time and I don't understand why they (apparently) aren't given more time off the forum.
  11. His problems will start when he he tries to explain how he loaned his campaign 770 large when he has declared only 5,000 net assets the past few years? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/george-santos-vows-to-immediately-look-into-his-campaign-loans-after-being-told-they-look-illegal/ar-AA15L7vU https://www.theleaderonline.com/single-post/santos-filings-now-claim-net-worth-of-11-million
  12. Would you care to explain why China has such a problem with hospitalisations when the virus is allegedly "just a cold" when the only difference between that country and others is a lack of an effective vaccine?
  13. It's why I don't bother with health insurance. Anything likely to put me in hospital is going to be connected somehow to hypertension unless it's an accident.
  14. 1. Why are the Chinese suffering so badly when the only difference is a lack of effective vaccines in that country? 2. Far more issues were reported using AZ vaccines in younger people than ever was the case for mRNA vaccines. My second vaccine (after AZ) had to be Pfizer for that reason and because I was considered to be in the older, safe age bracket, I had to get a GP to write to the Aust. government to get approval. sources: many links posted in earlier threads covering all these topics. I don't think it's necessary to post links when rehashing old arguments where the links have all been posted so many times previously.
  15. Chinese hospitals are totally overwhelmed judging by the news reports. The single difference between them and the west is that the Chinese don't have effective vaccines which prevent major illness. It's all the evidence anyone needs to prove that proper vaccines work to prevent serious illness. Even as it is, omicron is still a major issue for many western countries in terms of hospitalisations.
  16. There will be enough false negatives and enough early incubation infections to cause major problems here.
  17. Republicans. They don't want to address the push factor. They think it's all immigrants coming to take their jobs away from them and deny there are issues in their country of origin forcing them to leave. The same was said of boat people coming to Australia. The right don't want to help to fix issues in the countries of origin because that would be foreign aid. Likewise they don't want to improve processing time in the US. Their only interest is exploiting the crisis for political gain. That inaction.
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