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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. If you believe he bought a gun from some random Thai outside a grocery store then that's up to you. Since he obviously lied about that he likely imported the gun. Occam's razor.
  2. He hasn't even been indicted yet. I'm dubious that insurrection will be charged but we'll see.
  3. It will be. The committee has only made a recommendation. Trump will need to be convicted of insurrection to be barred from office. That will occur in a court as you suggest.
  4. The insurrection attempt would never have occurred without Trump and his allies. The central cause of January 6th was one man, former President Donald Trump, who many others followed. None of the events of January 6th would have happened without him.” https://www.voanews.com/a/final-report-on-jan-6-attack-points-finger-at-trump-/6888552.html
  5. Judging by the sheer number of tourists in Pattaya right now it very likely is true.
  6. Far-right extremists who believed they were answering Donald Trump’s call to stop the transfer of presidential power didn’t just join the Jan. 6 mob — they led it. The first wave of rioters to enter the Capitol during the siege, according to the Jan. 6 select committee’s final report released Thursday night, was disproportionately comprised of members of the Proud Boys, Three Percenters, QAnon fanatics and so-called Groypers loyal to Nick Fuentes, the former president’s racist and antisemitic recent Mar-a-Lago dinner guest. Among the central findings of the select panel’s report: Trump’s incendiary lies about the 2020 election activated an extraordinary coalition of far-right militants and conspiracy theorists who not only joined the mob but were its vanguard smashing through police lines. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/22/jan-6-committee-releases-full-final-report-on-capitol-attack-00075380
  7. That was "a few years ago". Now it's become a campaign bombshell. Regardless of any laws Trump may or may not have broken the voters will decide. At that time there had been no audits of Trump's taxes conducted anyway so Fox had no clue.
  8. What about those who are pro Russian? Is is out of order to accuse them of being so? Russia knows it's fossil fuel based economy has a bleak future. It sought to grab Ukraine's resources and farmland to remain a world power. Just apart from the personal ambitions of a fascist dictator.
  9. Then there are the witness transcripts which form the evidence. Mostly from Republicans and employees of the Trump white house.
  10. That's an easy one. Putin compared himself to Peter the Great and sought to create a legacy for himself. That's what happens when one man controls the nation as a fascist dictator.
  11. Senators 'alarmed' as DOJ continues to block Congress' access to Mar-a-Lago classified files Without explanation the Department of Justice has continued to block the Senate Intelligence Committee from accessing the highly classified documents that former President Donald Trump was storing at his Mar-a-Lago property. According to Punchbowl News, there is equally shared bipartisan outrage with the DOJ keeping Congress at arm's length from accessing the documents, leaving Congress in the dark of vulnerabilities and comprised information, especially to foreign entities at such a critical time in international relations on several fronts. https://www.rawstory.com/doj-continues-to-block-congress-access-to-mar-a-lago-classified-files/
  12. The committee was right to ask for his tax returns. They have a lot of fixing to do. Nobody anticipated what would happen if a criminal racketeer got to be president.
  13. Wall Street Journal scorches Republicans who have turned on Ukraine "GOP leader Kevin McCarthy has said he doesn’t support 'a blank check' for Ukraine, as if anyone does, and concerns over how the money is spent are now a central GOP objection," wrote the board. Economist Timothy Ash wrote in November that Ukraine aid is 'an incredibly cost-effective investment,' burning up Russia’s military power for a single-digit share of the Pentagon’s annual budget, though Moscow is one of America’s most formidable adversaries." "Many of the same Republicans sneering at Mr. Zelensky will claim the U.S. needs to abandon Ukraine to focus on China," the board concluded. https://www.rawstory.com/wsj-scorches-republicans-who-have-turned-on-ukraine/
  14. That reminds me, I must get a photocopy of my passport and visa. Problem solved.
  15. I disagree, he's not little. Except for his hands.
  16. I was in Koh Samui, Kathmandu and stayed at the Malaysia Hotel, all in 1979. I guess I'm lucky to be alive!
  17. Hey, maybe that will be his defense when he's indicted. It's a slam dunk. Off the hook.
  18. Racism wasn't the aspect of Churchill that Zelensky was compared to.. Rather it was his statesmanship in time of war.
  19. I'd love to agree with you but you won't post a link to prove that claim as required by the rules. Either of those propositions.
  20. I'd love to agree with you but you won't post a link to prove that claim as required by the rules.
  21. Male panda at Dutch zoo turns out to be female https://www.rawstory.com/male-panda-at-dutch-zoo-turns-out-to-be-female/
  22. the twice-impeached former president lashed out by writing, "The change in the Election was Complete & Total, with Millions of votes switched, at least 17%. TRUMP WON, BIG!" In that vein he later raged in all caps, "SO, WE CAUGHT THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES, THROUGH THE USE OF THE FBI & OTHER AGENCIES, CONCLUSIVELY & IRREFUTABLY CHEATING ON THE 2020 Presidential Election, AND COMPLETELY & ILLEGALLY CHANGING ITS RESULT. THIS WAS ONLY ONE OF MANY FORMS OF CHEATING, BUT FRANKLY, IT WAS A BEAUT! He added, "THE FBI HAS NO EXCUSE, THEY WERE CAUGHT COLD, BUT THIS MUST NOT BECOME A COLD CASE. NOW WHAT? HONEST & BRAVE PROSECUTORS & JUDGES MUST STEP UP & CLEAN OUT THIS CANCER WHICH IS DESTROYING OUR ONCE GREAT COUNTRY!" https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-election-loss/
  23. It appears that "Trump did nothing wrong" may not age well.
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