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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. have you been living under a rock? There is the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys (Charlottesville), there are an ex president's many anti-semitic comments. There is Kanye West. There is no shortage of high profile anti-semitism lately.
  2. J6 Committee reveals Paul Gosar was texting with 'Stop the Steal' group while locked down in Capitol https://www.rawstory.com/paul-gosar-2658997666/
  3. Unless you can substantiate that comment you are trolling. It was not mentioned in the article. What was mentioned is that the truck driver was charged. You're all sympathy for the truck driver and none for the victim. Just victim blaming. Disgusting.
  4. According to Leigh Ann Caldwell of The Washington Post, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) urged Clyde to stand for applause during one round of ovation for Zelenskyy — to which Clyde mouthed, "I will not However, as the Ukraine war has progressed, Republicans have become increasingly divided over support for military and humanitarian aid. In particular, loyalists to Donald Trump have begun opposing the aid, and voting against it in both the House and Senate — something that could complicate the passage of further aid when Republicans assume control of the House next year. https://www.rawstory.com/andrew-clyde-ukraine/
  5. Clear from the photo, the truck was overtaking in the same lane as the victim. Do you drive? I hope not.
  6. Two minutes after the transcripts were release to the DoJ (and everybody else) you want action and suggest the lack of it is an indication of anything?
  7. That really isn't the test. They may have evidence but if there is a reasonable risk of losing the DoJ may not proceed to charge the hardest crime to prove. The DoJ may well settle on lesser charges. My take from watching various experts on TV is that they are not likely to charge insurrection, We will see. Charges relating to the stolen documents are quite likely. No charges at all is extremely unlikely.
  8. I missed the part that you were looking for Thai slang so my apologies for that. As a linguist you should be aware that there aren't typically 1 to 1 equivalences for slang between languages. I doubt that Americans would ever us the phrase as part of their normal parlance. Not sure about the English.
  9. Is there not a time to speak out against racism? As previously explained to you it was on a Jewish religious day. It also came not long after anti-semitism in public life had risen to it's highest level in many years.
  10. Jordan is one of the reps referred to the ethics committee. Republican ‘shadow committee’ issues counter-report on Jan. 6 But after Pelosi vetoed the appointment of Banks and Jordan, McCarthy pulled the rest of his picks. Not included in the report is other public information about the activities of congressional leadership on Jan. 6 scrambling to try to get the National Guard to the Capitol, or any mention that there were hours of inaction from former President Trump. It does include statements from Trump urging demonstrators to be “peaceful,” but omits other statements like telling his supporters to “fight like hell.” https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3784289-republican-shadow-committee-issue-counter-report-on-jan-6/
  11. And the rest of us don't understand linguistics? I studied Latin, French and speak English, Thai and Tagalog reasonably well. I also studied linguistics as part of a sociology degree.
  12. OK, then widely understood English. Will that work for you? I meant proper English as opposed to slang.
  13. You are correct. The phrase is slang and doesn't translate into Thai. My friend is fond of using it in the Philippines, oblivious to the fact that it won't be understood. It needs to be translated into proper English before Thai.
  14. Are you imagining nothing will happen until 1 minute before that time arrives?
  15. I just saw an interview on CNN where the guy said that they have likely already been trained in Germany.
  16. I have read they won't be used against the drones for that reason unless they are protecting something vital. The US is concerned that Iranian made missiles will start arriving in Russia very soon.
  17. Whatever exaggerated figure you come up with it was not enough clearance to overtake safely. He is literally required to give her the WHOLE lane. There is no law which allows a vehicle to pass in the same lane.
  18. He was driving on her side. He was required to cross to the other side to overtake when safe. That has always been the rule everywhere in the world.
  19. Still in Putin's pocket. "Zelensky is basically an ungrateful international welfare queen," Donald Trump Jr. tweeted Wednesday. https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-bash-zelensky-appeal-aid-welfare-queen-1768868
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