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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Do you ever get tired of "look over there, a squirrel!" instead of addressing the actual topic?
  2. Adding a question mark doesn't give the comment any more credence. No, I don't think he's setting aside a single razoo to build the country. He's spending every cent on fighting the orcs. You alleged Zelensky is corrupt but now you deflect and can't won't put a link where your mouth is.
  3. It's legal to apply for asylum in the US under US law, deal with it. Same with most western countries who are signatories to the UNHCR.
  4. Thank God I'm in Thailand and not the Philippines. I had too many Christmases in the Philippines. "Where's my Christmas?". And every man and his dog delivering red envelopes to my door.
  5. To win the suit, Dominion have to prove that the defamation was malicious. I think that's a slam dunk but we'll see. If Dominion win it will be curtains for Fox.
  6. After his length of public service, Biden deserves to be president and cut some slack for an occasional verbal gaffe. Especially since he has had a lifelong speech impediment, a fact willfully ignored by Biden haters. His best attribute? He listens to advisors and experts. That's a breath of fresh air after the previous guy. ps. I'm not an American either.
  7. Good, the less dependent the world is on anything Russia produces the better.
  8. Nevada Republicans who submitted a fake slate of presidential electors to Congress after the 2020 presidential campaign were choreographed by members of Trump’s legal and campaign teams, according to information released by the House panel investigation of the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection. https://www.rawstory.com/nevada-fake-electors/ A group of Republican fake electors claimed that they were the true electors and signed letters to that effect that were then sent to Washington. The goal was to either get Vice President Mike Pence to accept the fake slate of electors or throw things into additional chaos. The full report names the architects behind the strategy as Mark Meadows, Rudy Giuliani and former President Donald Trump. https://www.rawstory.com/fake-electors-scheme-plot/
  9. I think it's a bout time that the US followed the EU lead in declaring Russia a state sponsor of terrorism and draw a line in the sand at attacking civilian infrastructure which is a Geneva Convention war crime. They should also move NATO ships into the Baltic Sea with cruise missiles. Russia will back down.
  10. NATO has taken particular care to make sure Russia can't make that accusation. They have kept troops and missiles far from the border.
  11. Long ago their motto was "fair and balanced". They couldn't keep saying that with a straight face so they dropped it.
  12. Most of the money is in military equipment. And no, I refuse to believe it unless you can back up your claims with anything other than right wing allegations. I live in a fact based world.
  13. It will be trillions. Russia is finished as an economic power of any proportions.
  14. No. The US saw German over dependence on Russian oil as a threat to its own interests.
  15. Please explain your hashtag. Reparations will help Ukraine get back to its original economic situation before Russia started on its war crime spree. They will also stop Russia from ever being a threat to world peace again.
  16. Stop this nonsense. Libya got bombed in response to a terrorist act. source: wiki
  17. Revealed: Trump wanted 10,000 National Guard soldiers to protect him on walk to the Capitol on J6 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-truth-national-guard-jan6/
  18. The US was opposed to Nordstream because they saw it as a mistake, which Merckel has already acknowledged.
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