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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I'm hoping the US follows the EU lead and takes the opportunity to declare Russia to be a state sponsor of terrorism.
  2. Is the problem here that they attacked the royal family in public? Are they are protected species?
  3. I think they understand very well. The increase of the white supremacist groups and calls for civil war and violent insurrection are not lost on anybody who's listening.
  4. Supply of underlying business records to underpin the tax return itself.
  5. This joke / sarcasm defense is a standard playbook item whenever one of their own says something completely egregious. Clarkson is toast.
  6. Former aide saw Trump tearing up documents, per Jan. 6 panel deposition https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3782952-former-aide-saw-trump-tearing-up-documents-per-jan-6-panel-deposition/
  7. I read somewhere but now can't find the link that he didn't cooperate with the mandatory IRS audit.
  8. It's taken until today for significant pain to recede from my triceps after my fist session. I'm going back this morning. My trainer says that it isn't necessary for muscle pain to recede before continuing training. I would have thought that the muscles should be allowed to heal first. Any thoughts?
  9. They went for Trump because of his racist message. Nothing to do with Hillary who actually got more votes.
  10. More deflection from a Trump aide under pressure to say something. Anything. On Tuesday, following the vote of the House Ways and Means Committee to release former President Donald Trump's tax returns to the public, a spokesman for the former president lashed out when asked for comment by The Daily Beast, and demanded tax returns be released for outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and her family as well. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-taxes-response/
  11. It could be a sign of a weakened immune system such as pre-diabetes or insulin resistance. Get checked out. disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I'm just repeating what I have read as I have also suffered this affliction for many years without a solution. .
  12. Nothing works in my experience. Try tiger balm regularly applied.
  13. It is in that district. It also has lots of parking available nearby unlike many (any?) other locations.
  14. Republicans lining up to protect the rich from public scrutiny. And maybe generate some outrage and talking points along the way to deflect from the main game here which was just to release Trump's taxes. However, the implications of such a move could be significant. By publicly releasing Trump's tax returns, experts and Republican members of the committee said the House Ways and Means Committee demonstrated that anyone's tax returns could be subject to similar treatment, all but ending individual taxpayers' right to privacy. "My prurient interest says I should be gobbling this information up," Allan Morrison, an associate dean at George Washington University Law School, told Newsweek. "My sense of concern about taxpayers as a whole makes me very uneasy about this." https://www.newsweek.com/dems-vote-release-trumps-tax-returns-it-may-come-back-bite-them-1768577
  15. Or who bought real estate from him at inflated prices with laundered money from a black hole.
  16. My personal view is that they will not take that step. While the dems really, really want Trump to run, he has shown no real signs of doing so. He formally announced that he will run only because of the faint hope it might give pause to the special counsel. Beyond that he has demonstrated none of the signs of a presidential candidate such as making speeches or holding rallies.
  17. Zelensky will visit the US Capitol tomorrow. https://thehill.com/policy/international/3782717-zelensky-planning-to-visit-us-capitol-in-person-on-wednesday/
  18. That's code for the new CEO will just be a figurehead.
  19. Corruption much? IRS never audited Trump during first two years in White House despite policy of 'mandatory' audits for presidents Furthermore, they found that the IRS only started an audit of Trump's taxes in 2019, when House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-MA) delivered a formal request for them. However, it seems that the audit of Trump's taxes was never completed. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-taxes-irs/
  20. The shelters have been there for a week. There is also electrical infrastructure and fixed signage that looks sort of permanent. There is a huge vacant lot between there and Central Marina which has been newly cleared.
  21. *Deleted post edited out* Because it now maintains a 40 year practice of presidents releasing their tax and serves as a warning for those who try not to do so in the future. It's a great day for transparency, truth and integrity. You don't need to worry about Biden's taxes. There is no hint or credible accusation that he has hidden anything.
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