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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I'm not surprised, when a rich Tory complains on the Daily Mail they probably usually get their way.
  2. Can't let those foreign workers back, if they reverse that the whole motivation for brexit goes down the drain.
  3. The war will be long over before any new gas plant comes on line.
  4. One of your ilk was on here just today complaining about Polish contract workers. They weren't illegal. That was cited as a benefit of brexit. I'm waiting for someone to explain how Britain benefited from brexit.
  5. They didn't need brexit to block illegal immigration. It was illegal before brexit. It's about any immigration.
  6. Aircraft are particularly bad for pollution because of the height they travel at.
  7. They don't care, it's all about trying to block immigration and denying international laws about refugees. Deluded as that may be.
  8. His "God sent me" shtick won't fly well further north. He just engages in the same divisive slash and burn politics as Trump did.
  9. Just maybe he was reading from a teleprompter?
  10. Oh, I don't know, the French might veto that...
  11. I think the moving on part might be happening at the next general election. https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/united-kingdom/
  12. That's right, the UK will never, ever (again) consider joining an economic alliance with the thirty odd countries within swimming distance of its border. I suppose this includes mutually enforceable rules about climate change?
  13. If Trump is even indicted by the feds, lots of politicians better hope that Twitter's servers can handle the load as millions of tweets are deleted.
  14. The collective yawning can be heard across the Atlantic. .. meaning that the time to do it was Jan 7 last year, not now.
  15. Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk is further gutting the teams that battle misinformation on the social media platform as outsourced moderators learned over the weekend they were out of a job. Twitter and other big social media firms have relied heavily on contractors to track hate and enforce rules against harmful content. https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-twitter-inc-technology-misinformation-social-media-a469130efaebc8ed029a647a149c5049?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_10
  16. I should also have mentioned the number of his cronies who have been indicted by the deep state. I think it's over a dozen or so close associates. Far more than for any president in history.
  17. A single statistic has guided my politics ever since I left school. The massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich over those decades. It's not peculiar to America either. https://time.com/5888024/50-trillion-income-inequality-america/
  18. Me too but we have to live with them so we may as well force some civility.
  19. Evidence in just now that Trump remains as vindictive as ever, obsessed by revenge against his enemies. Gen. John Kelly confirms Trump wanted IRS to audit his foes or have the DOJ investigate them https://www.rawstory.com/trump-ordered-investigations-against-foes/
  20. Trump tried and has continued to try to get her charged. He never gave her a pass and she has never been indicted for any crimes. Her email server issues pale into insignificance compared to Trump's insiders' use of private email and burner phones.
  21. Excuse the clip but I wanted to cut to the afterthought. It will always be thus as long as you have a first past the post election system. This is why Georgia has a run off law and why Australia has a preferential voting system. This is the only true way to measure the public will.
  22. That's the problem. Lots of incendiary speech and no substantiation.
  23. That's always been the case and is precisely why I vote liberal.
  24. Freedom not to look at it doesn't make any difference if the rhetoric is assembling a large crowd of pitchfork bearers. Hate speech needs to be as illegal in the US as it is in every other western democracy.
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