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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Show me a single medical authority who doesn't recommend continued mask wearing in enclosed areas.
  2. I'm saying that I believe that most people will align with my opinion and reject yours. It's not just MY opinion although I'm perfectly willing to be proved wrong.
  3. Difficult to imagine it as good news for Trump. Obviously some people have decided to come clean.
  4. I don't care, I stand by my assertion that your views are extreme by most people's yardstick. And I'm sure most would find those views offensive.
  5. Because it display's sheer ignorance of the issues surrounding pregnancy and is a totally un-nuanced view of a complex subject. Furthermore it is at odds with what every social scientist in the country will tell you. The fact is that it's impossible for women to always avoid pregnancy on the basis that they don't want to get pregnant. The reasons have been repeatedly pointed out to you and you haven't budged or acknowledged any of the arguments put to you. You stick to an extreme woman hating agenda, deeply rooted in extremist misogyny when compared to the mainstream view.
  6. Pence described himself as a "principled conservative" and supporter of the Tea Party movement,[2] saying he was "a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order." translation: Aims to turn the country into a theocracy.
  7. The bottom line is that is has been an option for decades in every developed country in the world. It's a woman's right. Your comment that getting pregnant is her choice is frankly quite offensive. Pure misogyny. Sorry if you find that offensive but I'm sure vanishingly few people agree with you.
  8. Masks saved far more lives than were harmed by wearing them.
  9. Russia isn't a war monger? What is it doing? Reclaiming it's former empire? Even if Russia wins in Ukraine, it's economy is finished for decades. Fossil fuels will be unused in 30 years and Russia has nothing more of substance.
  10. Facts don't suit you agenda? Half the US states allow no helmets for most people.
  11. When Ukrainian soldiers and civilians surrendered to the Russians they often got killed anyway. On what basis would you suggest more just surrender to be killed?
  12. They don't at home either. It appears that in many cases people tell the boss exactly what he wants to hear, not matter how idiotic he's being. It's not a Thailand thing.
  13. If you get cancer or have a stroke, or some other curable ailment like a hernia or sexually transmitted disease you won't seek medical treatment? Really? I don't believe that for a moment.
  14. Your basis for objecting to abortion is because it's killing a foetus which may or may not become a child. You appear to have no regard for the mother's choice, desire or ability to raise a child, physical or mental health. Nothing other than it's "murder". You justify that by claiming that the mother should make better choices. Most people would draw the conclusion that kind of objection is based in religion.
  15. That's been the law for 50 years in the US and is the law in most countries in the world. How about the right wing doing more to help living people live longer? The argument about abortion being murder is pure religion.
  16. No, that's why Russia should stop its invasion. The west isn't going to stop its defence of Ukraine.,
  17. Long since common knowledge. The Russians were trashed when they tried to assail Kyiv.
  18. I did as well, you didn't respond to me. And just now you ducked a direct question, are you sure there is such a law? You keep repeating this mantra about men being compelled to work to support a child despite significant numbers of posters calling you out over it. So, lets lay this issue to rest, sure? or not?
  19. I'm 100% sure you did not, at least not in a reply to me. I'll compromise, are you sure there is a such a law?
  20. I think many people just don't realise how prevalent tattoos are in the general Thai population these days. You see them on checkout staff, waitresses, on TV, everywhere.
  21. More stereotyping. Medical practitioners would tell you that influenza would be greatly reduced if people always wore masks and washed their hands more. People have gotten used to masks and obviously realised how they are less affected by air pollution when wearing masks. Also, covid infections are increasing, not decreasing. As mild as it may be, people just don't want it. The minimum effect is a month long persistent cough for many people.
  22. When the second amendment was written, all men had to belong to a militia and own a firearm as part of that membership.
  23. These incidents are few and far between. More of than not a security guard or police office is killed first. Very often, armed people are killed without warning and never get a chance to shoot back. Statistics show fewer gun homicides in countries where guns are rare. Criminals are less likely to kill a person who is likely to be unarmed.
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