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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Yes, I knew you'd slip in a personal attack so I revealed your post to confirm my suspicions. In a thread about a Palestinian state you haven't used those words once as far as I recall.
  2. I'm not not sure how many times I need to condemn Hamas. Maybe I need to be like you and keep repeating myself ad nauseum without making a new point? And on the subject of repeating myself, what constitutes Israeli land and what is Palestinian land? You still pointedly and tellingly refuse to tackle that question. Shameful, really. You come here to accuse me of being a Hamas supporter while displaying the most extreme zionist ideology. You have no credibility on the subject of a Palestinian state.
  3. Of course not. All the arts have always supported liberal causes and the democratic party. Same goes with the bulk of highly educated people. It's always been thus. Why? They are less likely to believe in conspiracy theories and less likely to be racist.
  4. "Both" doesn't typically mean "all on Israel". I didn't suggest it was either side that had to fix it. I just pointed out the reality that it doesn't get fixed without a Palestine. Whether that outcome involves Israel or not is immaterial. It is possible that the world imposes a 2 state solution with a multinational peacekeeping force in Palestine. That seems to be the only reasonably likely possibility given Israel's current intransigence. Other than that, Israel might replace it's government with something less extremist and actually agree to a 2 state solution. I don't see any other possible alternatives short of continued genocide of Palestinians. Something has to give.
  5. Right. Who knew that you weren't going to go there. I'll draw my own conclusions and put you back on ignore.
  6. I know that it has been Hamas goal since their inception. I don't deny it. Quoting their ethos to someone who doesn't understand that they mean it shouldn't seem necessary but it appears to be so in your case. Anny way, I think you shouldn't be criticizing Hamas for river to the sea terminology when Israeli ministers use it and you yourself have demonstrated that you are a river to the sea zionist by your refusal to contemplate a Palestinian nation. What lands should belong to Israel and what should belong to Palestinians? You only need answer this one question in good faith to establish what your bona fides are. .
  7. Curious that you find the prospect of continued Hamas terror attacks to be laughable. Yet again you can't bring yourself to even contemplate a Palestine let alone discuss it. Just ad hominems. As usual. We know who the real river to the sea fundamentalists are. Do you support Israeli annexation of Gaza?
  8. When was it a Hamas talking point to comprehend that they will not stop without a sovereign state? Why is it so hard for you to go there?
  9. Both sides (currently) want the river to the sea. I think we have established that. I'm just trying to explain to you what you seem incapable of understanding. That Israel isn't going to fix this problem without the existence of a Palestine. Focus on that single concept.
  10. And Hamas will continue to want to end Israel and kill everybody in it until there is a Palestine. This simple equation escapes Israeli war crime deniers.
  11. If there's a single undercurrent in the majority of Israeli war crime deniers its shooting the messenger. *Anything* to avoid discussion of the reporting.
  12. Which part of that justifies refusal to support a Palestinian state? How could you imagine that Hamas will stop murdering Israelis without one?
  13. How a bout a link to 70% of black kids grow up in fatherless homes. Is that link banned in China as well? Care to take a stab at why that may be so?
  14. The nightmare is the prospect of a racist nationalist extremist becoming president again.
  15. That porous soil inevitably permits salt intrusion into ground water is a conspiracy theory now? Wow.
  16. Yep, HiiT. It sharpens the mind. Must go, it's gym time.
  17. You can't separate out the current attacks on the US without considering Israel. The far right like to artificially compartmentalize conjoined issues.
  18. Utter garbage. I was a farmer for 20 years. It is totally impossible for porous soil not to allow salt seepage into the ground water unless there is no ground water, as in the sahara desert.
  19. Oh, I thought he was claiming that the IDF had actually conducted soil sampling before deciding to salt the earth. It appears that is not the case and that it was just made up claptrap to minimize an apparent war crime.
  20. How is it not the case that the porous soil is allowing salt water to enter the ground water?
  21. Don't need to, this speaks for itself. Basic soil physics. There is no way that seepage into the soil isn't getting into the ground water. Salting the Earth isn't a biblical reference for no reason. This is the work of fundamentalist religious zealots. And is a war crime.
  22. Which would argue very strongly against claims the salt wouldn't affect ground water. In fact, it this is true, it's proof that they are utterly false.
  23. They were dropped on apartment buildings containing civilians. Claims of "proportionality" reflect an attitude that Palestinian lives are worth less than Israeli lives, a manifestation of racial hatred.
  24. 20,000 dead civilians, mostly women and kids. Mas displacement of civilians is genocide, destruction of civilian infrastructure at scale is genocide. Statement by ministers confirming intent is genocide.
  25. Disagree. The US was instrumental in establishing Israel, they should be instrumental in solving the problem. They are the largest benefactor of Israel and so are in a uniquely influential position to do so.
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