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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. If they control apple gear remotely they are using mosyle or one it's offshoots if your employer is a school. They can reset to factory specs but not brick the computer or iPad.
  2. He's not gaining ground in Ukraine to speak of. By next year Ukraine will have more weapons including F16's which will immediately give them air superiority which they don't currently have. Also Ukraine is ramping up drone production.
  3. One could apply the same reasoning to his invasion of Ukraine, despite his denials. Do you think he'd invade again now if he had a redo? His strategy now is to hang on and hope Trump wins so he'll nobble nato. Otherwise he'll release the tapes.
  4. My understanding is that many only employ illegals because of the wages.
  5. I just actually tried scrolling to the bottom of the page but found it's not possible so whatever was at the end of the page is no longer there. I support the inclusion of a floating "back to top" button for sure. I understand that some of these features depend on their support by the board software vendor.
  6. If free speech was allowed to include vicarious lies then why do we need defamation laws? I guess there's more than a few of the usual suspects here who think we shouldn't.
  7. In many cases there simply isn't a need to make a comment as the quote speaks for itself. Most often the quote encapsulates what I'm thinking better than I can. The other time when a comment is not needed is a self explanatory rebuttal to a claim of fact.
  8. Coincidentally I was just thinking the same thing a while ago while trying to decide if I could get used to the new new content link placement. There used to be a link to that conveniently at the bottom of each post. Possibly still is but who wants to scroll past all the fluff to get there? Now I have to scroll to the top of every post. It's a major ....
  9. Speaking of E Jean Carroll and campaign trails... I know somebody who won't be.
  10. I knew you'd completely swerve the questions I asked, especially since you referred to "their lands" but subsequently refused to elucidate. What's that about? I'll just say one more thing before I put you on ignore. In my view, the lands were originally acquired by the descendants of modern Israelis (many of them anyway) by conquest. That's how all land was acquired in those days and how empires were built. Those people then celebrated that conquest in the book of "my god is better than your god". Some time later, the land was acquired by the descendants of the modern Palestinians through conquest. The then celebrated that conquest in another version of the book of "my god is better than your god". Now the Israelis are again acquiring the land through conquest. Both have a legitimate right to the land and an equitable solution must be found that doesn't include genocide.
  11. Did they tell you that? It may be that they do but that won't be the only reason. How about explaining precisely what is Israeli land and what is Palestinian land? How about also explaining the racist and genocidal comments made by various Israeli government ministers who somehow managed to be popular enough to become elected. Comments that demonstrate they hold Palestinians in the same regard as you claim Palestinians hold Israelis.
  12. May I ask you why? There's a court case in The Hague which might answer that question in time.
  13. If we are discussing the act of doing so then, yes, it's appropriate to call them terrorists. There is however a wider discussion to be had about why they are doing it. Part of that would be to ask them. Some people already have and they said they were fighting for freedom from Israeli occupation. The term freedom fighters becomes unavoidable IN THAT CONTEXT. This directly parallels the question of calllng uniformed soldiers war criminals. Depending on the context they can be both. The world is not all black and white.
  14. Your intention here is to portray Hamas has having no interest in any wider motive beyond terrorizing Israelis because they hate Israelis. Actually being drawn into why that might be so is kryptonite for war crimes deniers.
  15. A murder is still a murder even if the murderer hasn't been found, much less convicted of a murder. Your definition is flawed.
  16. Both can be true at the same time. They can be both terrorists and freedom fighters. The terms are not mutually exclusive. Palestinians would call them freedom fighters and Israelis would call them terrorists. Why do I get a sense of deja vue? As has been pointed out, they are unquestionably fighting for their freedom and keep saying so.
  17. I did, read the damn wiki link for god's sake. The only way out is ignore. Like talking to a brick wall.
  18. Me providing a link is what set this whole argument off yet you fall back on your usual attack modus operandi of asking for links to justify opinions. In my opinion this was perfidy. I provided evidence to support my claim. You won't even go there to discuss the core issue. Just ask for a link. The wiki link clearly stated that perfidy was a war crime. I have thereby proved that perfidy is a war crime. I am alleging that this act was one of perfidy.
  19. If you want to claim this wasn't perfidy just say so. This deliberate obfuscation fools nobody. I'm not being trite here, you simply refuse to discuss whether a perfidy has been committed here or not.
  20. One very simple question. Does the article I posted constitute a perfidy or not? The post describes and shows a clear and unambiguous act of perfidy. Would you not agree?
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