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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I don't think so but your phone will soon be able to voice translate in real time.
  2. Hamas would not exist without Natanyahu. The PA would otherweise have been the undisputed government. The stated purpose of Natanyahu's support of Hamas was to prevent Palestinian unity and to thwart a 2 state solution. .
  3. I live in Pattaya and the last thing I'd do would be to spontaneously grab a girl in a gogo bar anywhere, let alone by her genitals. I've seen what happens to guys who do that. There are possibly (cough) a couple of places that could be argued as exceptions but the exception proves the rule. It would be very dangerous.
  4. My high school was perched on a promontory which was the highest point in my home town. Vulcans and Canberra's used it for bombing practice. We could see the tops of the aircraft as they came in over the harbour and then they climb out from what seemed like only a few feet above the school roof. They were training to attack Indonesia at the time.
  5. Since Palestinians have no representative government thanks to Netanyahu, they naturally drift to the only organization who fights Israel. That doesn't make them terrorists no matter how many countries declare Hamas to be a terrorist organization. Until they are complicit in acts of terrorism or conspiracy to commit them they are not terrorists. They may be charged with belonging to a terrorist organization but that is distinct from carrying out acts of terrorism. Right now they are fighting an invading army in uniform.
  6. https://www.salon.com/2021/02/02/trumps-lawyers-quit-after-he-refused-to-pay-3m-in-legal-fees-despite-raising-170m-report/
  7. It can't be any worse than Habba's advice. Staring with failure to ask for a jury trial.
  8. Certainly the perps should be rounded up. What about the many Palestinians who have since joined Hamas and keep joining Hamas and will keep joining Hamas as long as this war goes on because they now see themselves as defending Palestine. Should they be wiped out too?
  9. I can only say I've been acutely aware of what provoked Hamas ever since I closely followed the 1967 war as a 13 year old teenager.
  10. I'm confused. The last person to use the words "River to the sea " was an Israeli minister. Call them political prisoners if you will. Any term is appropriate for people held without charge. You're just just engaging in more pedantic word play. I'd say the dictionary definition fits the bill, none of these people have been legally accused of a crime. someone who is taken as a prisoner by an enemy in order to force the other people involved to do what the enemy wants: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/hostage
  11. We're doing our best to erase all ties with the mother country.
  12. You forgot the most dangerous animal of the Australian outback - drop bears.
  13. I have not seen a single post which claims Hamas was justified in carrying out a terrorist attack. Only posts which acknowledge that there was a history leading up to the attack.
  14. If there was a reason other than breathing while Hamas they would be charged in accordance with international and Israeli law.
  15. The problem is here that some posters say both sides are guilty and some say only one side is guilty. Those that say only one side is guilty all align with the same side.
  16. But no independent evidence of any kind, right? Not saying it didn't happen but the Jerusalem Daily Propaganda (oh, did I get that wrong, my bad) is a bit suspect absent any corroborating evidence. Shall I start posting Arab propaganda to match you?
  17. I maintain a direct comparison. Those prisoners were also part of Hamas motivation for October 7th and why another terrorist attack was inevitable.
  18. Mediators from Arab nations say they have a new proposal to end the Israel-Hamas war, drafting a hostage release cease-fire on Saturday, according to a new report. In exchange, Israel would release Palestinian prisoners and would allow for an increased flow of aid to Gaza, per the Egyptian officials cited in the report. Following this period, Hamas would release hostages that are part of Israel’s military, starting with women, followed by men and human remains in the weeks that followed. For this, Hamas would be guaranteed that an agreement to end the conflict would be reached during the ceasefire. https://thehill.com/homenews/4433830-mediators-draft-new-hostage-release-cease-fire-report/
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