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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Have you looked at the dollar index lately? The assertion that "many countries" will adopt the Chinese Yuan as a reserve currency is risible.
  2. I don't because if you match geographical areas to media control and voting patterns you can see that most people are products of the media they consume. Those areas with greater media diversity are far more bipartisan.
  3. The claim that there was a systematic extermination of anyone in the Donbass by Ukraine is a straight out lie. The truth was posted just above in reply to you but you just ignore it. Either back up your claims with credible references or don't make them. Any credible sources other than state controlled media will be considered.
  4. What other side of the war could possibly justify Russia's invasion of Ukraine?
  5. That doesn't mean that both sides are always ethical and in this case they aren't. Putin is the fascist aggressor, simple as that. His invasion of Ukraine is completely without merit. The overwhelming public opinion across the world supports that world view.
  6. In my opinion it wouldn't take many to become a plague but I suspect not many of them are in Thailand. If even a fraction of the posters on this board who fit the narrative are in Thailand then there's definitely a plague of them. They really are a scourge and wish not to meet any of them. I get sick of their constant negativity and bigotry.
  7. He doesn't seem to be around anymore but it was a particularly odious claim considering the depth of anti Russian sentiment in the Ukraine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor
  8. As much as I'd like to explore these issues further, they are off topic so I won't.
  9. In short Russia has been a problem since WW2 and nobody took any notice until now. Reagan got it right.
  10. It was stupid. Not because it is a bad idea but because assassination of a foreign leader is against the Geneva Convention and a US senator making that suggestion is fodder for Putin's propaganda. Outside of government, it's fine.
  11. No, Fox is particularly and most obviously egregious in their praise of Putin in recent times.
  12. I think think it's pretty obvious what this means. Russian President Vladimir Putin said Western sanctions were akin to war as his forces pressed their assault on Ukraine on Saturday for a 10th day and the IMF warned the conflict would have a "severe impact" on the global economy. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/top-wrap-1-europes-largest-nuclear-power-plant-fire-after-russian-attack-mayor-2022-03-04/
  13. Like Switzerland, a pragmatic approach was dictated by geographical position and relative military power. Thailand's declaration of war was never taken seriously.
  14. Giving them free reign isn't the alternative. Creating a no fly zone isn't the same as removing Putin from power. Inciting him to commit more atrocities isn't the solution.
  15. I think the past 5 years have taught the world not to test nut jobs. The are psychotic and don't respond to reason or logic.
  16. I read this as a strong message to the recalcitrants to get the memo that bigotry is bad for the board. There was no hint of any prejudices other than against bigots, in particular those who have made it a passionate hobby to bash Thais and Thailand (and ordinary Russians). tl:dr. Cut out the nationalism, it's toxic.
  17. I suspect a lot of people have known her.
  18. Eastern Europe expert Sergej Sumlenny, whose work has focused on Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, said that while it too early to say for sure, he thinks that "Russia and its army are about to collapse," in the wake of Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine. https://www.rawstory.com/russia-invasion-of-ukraine-2656845452/
  19. Mariupol Diary: Scenes of despair, resolve in Ukraine city https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-europe-bcd85a150cec0ae681a0a1a55672f368/gallery/cecabeca746a41afaf5a34f68a5c2742
  20. Cease-fire effort in Ukraine collapses amid Russian shelling https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-europe-3d9e50b2fa8b08ce1f74c1b09403186e https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-europe-bcd85a150cec0ae681a0a1a55672f368 A woman reacts as paramedics perform CPR on a girl who was injured during shelling, at city hospital of Mariupol, eastern Ukraine, Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022. The girl did not survive. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)
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